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A search for 'Betty' gave the following results:

17 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
2 matches in labels:
  1. Betty Boop (Mark 56 Records 639)
    A George Garabedian Production. Helen Kane sued the Fleischer Brothers, claiming they were stealing her stuff. But the court battle only proved that Helen was stealing from a lesser known black singer named Baby Esther, and Betty Boop won.
  2. Diabolik (Sugar Music/CGD 9621)
    Performed by Betty Curtis.

1259 matches in tracks
  1. Betty & Zorg (02:28)
    from Gabriel Yared: Film Music (1983 - 2001)
    TRACKS 5-9: 37°2 Le Matin (aka. Betty Blue) (1986)
  2. Two Little Girls In Blue - Little Annie Roonie - Sweet Rosie O'Grady - Get Your Police Gazette - Sweet Rosie O'Grady (00:00)
    from Springtime In The Rockies
    Betty Grable & Robert Young - Betty Grable, Robert Young & Frank Orth - Betty Grable, Robert Young & Adolphe Menjou with Chorus - Chorus - Betty Grable
  3. Two Little Girls In Blue - Little Annie Roonie - Sweet Rosie O'Grady - Get Your Police Gazette - Sweet Rosie O'Grady (00:00)
    from Sweet Rosie O'Grady
    Betty Grable & Robert Young - Betty Grable, Robert Young & Frank Orth - Betty Grable, Robert Young & Adolphe Menjou with Chorus - Chorus - Betty Grable
  4. Going To The Country Fair - My Sam - Finale (00:00)
    from Springtime In The Rockies
    Betty Grable - Betty Grable - Orchestra8-13 (Side B) from SWEET ROSIE O'GRADY
  5. Going To The Country Fair - My Sam - Finale (00:00)
    from Sweet Rosie O'Grady
    Betty Grable - Betty Grable - Orchestra8-13 (Side B) from SWEET ROSIE O'GRADY
  6. C'EST LE VENT, BETTY (04:13)
    from Premiere Movie Collection, The
    from "Betty Blue"
  7. C'EST LE VENT, BETTY (04:13)
    from Mission, The
    from "Betty Blue"
  8. C'EST LE VENT, BETTY (04:13)
    from Last Emperor, The
    from "Betty Blue"
  9. C'EST LE VENT, BETTY (04:13)
    from Black Rain
    from "Betty Blue"
  10. C'EST LE VENT, BETTY (04:13)
    from Sex, Lies, And Videotape
    from "Betty Blue"
  11. C'EST LE VENT, BETTY (04:13)
    from Homeboy
    from "Betty Blue"
  12. C'EST LE VENT, BETTY (04:13)
    from 37°2 Le Matin
    from "Betty Blue"
  13. C'EST LE VENT, BETTY (04:13)
    from Dangerous Liaisons
    from "Betty Blue"
  14. C'EST LE VENT, BETTY (04:13)
    from Killing Fields, The
    from "Betty Blue"
  15. C'EST LE VENT, BETTY (04:13)
    from Glory
    from "Betty Blue"
  16. C'EST LE VENT, BETTY (04:13)
    from Moderns, The
    from "Betty Blue"
  17. Betty Blue - Betty & Zorg (02:25)
    from Gabriel Yared Film Music 1980/1998
  18. Betty Blue - Betty & Zorg (02:25)
    from City Of Angels
  19. Betty Blue - Betty & Zorg (02:25)
    from English Patient, The
  20. Betty Blue - Betty & Zorg (02:25)
    from Wings Of Courage
Show all 1259 matching tracks