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A search for 'CTV' gave the following results:

1 matches in labels:
  1. Bell, Book And Candle (Citadel CT 6006)
    Citadel found and released the stereo version in 1980 (CTV 7006-S) but put it inside the MONO album cover already printed in 1979.

16 matches in label numbers
  1. Varese Sarabande CTV 81257
    Agnes Of God
  2. Citadel CTV 7006-S
    Bell, Book And Candle
  3. Varese Sarabande CTV-81253
    Black Cauldron, The
  4. Varese Sarabande CTV 81299
    Boy Who Could Fly, The
  5. Towerbell ZCTV 9
    Cinema Hits Album, The
  6. Citadel Records CTV 7013
    Cry Of The Banshee
  7. Citadel Records CTV 7020
  8. CTV International/TF1 Vidéo no label number
  9. Varese Sarabande CTV 81304
  10. Varese Sarabande CTV 81333
    Masters Of The Universe
  11. Varese Sarabande CTV81248
    Red Sonja
  12. Varese Sarabande CTV 81234
  13. Varese Sarabande CTV 81362
    Serpent And The Rainbow, The
  14. Citadel Records CTV 7020
  15. Varese Sarabande CTV-81293
  16. Varese Sarabande CTV 81219
    Top Secret!