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A search for 'Camelot' gave the following results:

5 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
3 matches in labels:
  1. Stage Heroes: Colm Wilkinson (RCA Victor 74321-25856-2)
    Musical Highlights from:"Man Of La Mancha","Chess","West Side Story","Phantom Of The Opera","Les Misérables","South Pacific","Camelot","Porgy & Bess".
  2. Camelot (MFP - Music For Pleasure MFP 50368)
    Original Release Title: CAMELOT with Paul Daneman
    Previously released on MFP 1198 in mono under the same label.
  3. 1961 Themes (London Records LL 3238)
    Contains music from Tunes of Glory, Camelot, French Mistress, The World of Suzie Wong, Where the Boys Are, Midnight Lace

1 matches in label numbers
  1. Camelot 95462
    First Knight

121 matches in tracks
  1. CAMELOT (1967) (00:00)
    from 50 Years Of Film Music
    Musical Supervision: Alfred Newman. "Camelot" sung by cast.
  2. Camelot (02:15)
    from Camelot
    Camelot (stereo)
  3. Camelot (02:15)
    from My Fair Lady
    Camelot (stereo)
  4. Camelot (02:40)
    from First Knight
  5. CAMELOT (00:00)
    from Excalibur
  6. Camelot (02:20)
    from First Knight
  7. Camelot (01:04)
    from Quest For King Arthur, The
  8. Camelot (02:37)
    from First Knight
  9. Camelot (02:19)
    from First Knight
  10. Camelot (02:20)
    from First Knight
  11. Camelot (03:27)
    from Excalibur
  12. Camelot (00:00)
    from Monty Python And The Holy Grail
  13. Camelot (02:20)
    from First Knight
  14. Camelot (03:26)
    from Excalibur
  15. Camelot (02:20)
    from First Knight
  16. Camelot (03:26)
    from Excalibur
  17. Camelot (03:28)
    from Excalibur
  18. Camelot (03:49)
    from Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb
  19. Camelot (04:17)
    from Legends Of Tomorrow
  20. Camelot's Last Hope (00:55)
    from Merlin's Apprentice
Show all 121 matching tracks