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A search for 'Chinatown' gave the following results:

2 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
341 matches in tracks
  1. Chinatown, My Chinatown (00:00)
    from Singing Detective, The
    Al Jolson with Four Hits and a Miss, and Matty Malneck & his Orchestra
  2. The boy discovers jazz: Chinatown, My Chinatown / I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues / Moanin' Low / Pretty Baby (03:48)
    from Young Man With A Horn
  3. Al Jolson; Matty Malneck's Orchestra - Chinatown, My Chinatown (02:15)
    from Singing Detective, The
  4. Chinatown, My Chinatown (02:13)
    from Singing Detective, The
    Al Jolson & Matty Malneck's Orchestra
  5. Variation On Chinatown My Chinatown (1942) (00:09)
    from Carl Stalling Project, The - Music From Warner Bros. Cartoons 1936-1958
    from "Lights Fantastic"
  6. Chinatown, My Chinatown (00:00)
    from Pete Kelly's Blues
    Pete Kelly's Big 7
  7. Chinatown, My Chinatown (00:00)
    from Seven Little Foys, The
    Bob Hope and the little Foys
  8. Chinatown (01:44)
    from 3:10 To Yuma
  9. Chinatown (03:00)
    from Red Shoe Diaries
  10. Chinatown (01:03)
    from Pope Of Greenwich Village, The
  11. Chinatown (01:39)
    from 3:10 To Yuma
  12. Chinatown (03:00)
    from Red Shoe Diaries
  13. Chinatown (00:43)
    from Vladimir Cosma - 51 Bandes Originales Pour 51 Films
  14. Chinatown (00:43)
    from As Des As, L'
  15. Chinatown (00:43)
    from Animal, L'
  16. Chinatown (00:43)
    from Étudiante, L'
  17. Chinatown (00:43)
    from Plus Beau Métier Du Monde, Le
  18. Chinatown (00:43)
    from Dîner De Cons, Le
  19. Chinatown (00:43)
    from Compères, Les
  20. Chinatown (00:43)
    from Fugitifs, Les
Show all 341 matching tracks