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A search for 'Invader' gave the following results:

3 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
22 matches in tracks
  1. The Invader (00:00)
    from Kwai Tsan Tseh
  2. Invader (04:56)
    from G-Saviour
  3. Invader (03:42)
    from Hitman: Contracts
  4. Invader (02:29)
    from Invasor
  5. Invader (04:56)
    from G-Saviour
  6. Invader's Montage (02:15)
    from Captain America: The First Avenger
  7. Invader's Montage (02:15)
    from Captain America: The First Avenger
  8. Shoot the Invader (00:00)
    from Gasu Ningen Daiichigo
  9. Shoot the Invader (00:00)
    from Ultraman
  10. Jungle Invader (05:36)
    from Thunderbirds
  11. Space Invader (03:28)
    from Sopranos, The
  12. Sneaking Invader (00:00)
    from Urutora Sebun
  13. Shinobi Yoru Invader (04:41)
    from Captain Future
  14. Esqueda's Army/The Invader (04:43)
    from Ride, Vaquero!
  15. Esqueda's Army/The Invader (04:43)
    from Outriders, The
    from Rock 'N' Roll Nightmare
    contains dialogue
  17. The Invader's True Identity (00:26)
    from Chikyu Kogeki Meirei: Gojira Tai Gaigan
  18. Ending 5 (00:00)
    from Jaianto Robo
    Episode "Fearsome Invader":
  19. Mystery Invader (Sanshiro Sugata M24 Original Take) (01:01)
    from Godzilla: 50th Anniversary
  20. The Invader's Demon Face (M25B, M26B, M65, M62B) (03:04)
    from Godzilla: 50th Anniversary
Show all 22 matching tracks