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A search for 'Priest' gave the following results:

11 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
2 matches in labels:
  1. Shostakovich: Film Music (Citadel Records CTD 88129)
    from Adventures of Korzinkina; The Golden Mountains; The Silly Little Mouse; and The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda.
  2. Sea Hawk, The (Delos DE 3234)
    The Sea Hawk Symphony in F-Sharp. James De Priest conducts The Oregon Symphony.

978 matches in tracks
  1. "Get Me That Priest" (01:41)
    from We're No Angels
  2. The Priest (01:23)
    from Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices In The Dark
  3. Priest (03:26)
    from Priest
  4. Priest (00:54)
    from Man Of No Importance, A
  5. Priest (01:08)
    from Being Flynn
  6. Get Me A Priest (02:08)
    from Lion In Winter, The
  7. THE PRIEST (00:00)
    from Kaena: La Prophétie
  8. Get Me A Priest (02:08)
    from Lion In Winter, The
  9. The Priest (04:25)
    from Contestazione Generale
  10. Dad Priest (02:09)
    from Balada Triste De Trompeta
  11. The Priest 2 (04:03)
    from Contestazione Generale
  12. A Little Priest (02:46)
    from Far From The Madding Crowd: A Fantasia Of British Classical And Film Music
  13. Am I Really a Priest (03:06)
    from Being Human
  14. The Priest (01:13)
    from Zadarski Memento
  15. The Priest (00:49)
    from Beneath The Planet Of The Apes
  16. The Priest (00:53)
    from Planet Of The Apes - Original Film Series Soundtrack Collection
  17. Am I Really a Priest (03:06)
    from Being Human
  18. The Priest (01:23)
    from Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices In The Dark
  19. The Priest (05:30)
    from Càlamo
  20. Hip Priest (07:57)
    from Silence Of The Lambs, The
Show all 978 matching tracks