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A search for 'Rio' gave the following results:

5 matches in labels:
  1. Bridge On The River Kwai, The (CBS Records S 70226)
    Original Release Title: El Puente Sobre El Rio Kwai
  2. Rivière Des 3 Jonques, La (Telefunken/Ducretet Thomson TFK 22086)
    Original Release Title: El Rio De Los Tres Juncos
  3. Linda (Vinyl Of Austria Group Vienna VAG-5)
    Original Release Title: Nackten Superhexen Vom Rio Amore, Die
    Limited edition of each 500 copies in black, pink or multicolored vinyl
  4. Donna Del Fiume, La (Durium ECGE 75026)
    Original Release Title: Chica Del Rio, La
  5. Strada, La (Durium ECGE 75026)
    Original Release Title: Chica Del Rio, La

16 matches in label numbers
  1. Ariola 273592
    Asterix Et Les Indiens
  2. Ariola
    Eis Am Stiel 4: Private Popsicle
  3. Ariola 0608
    Enfants Des Neiges, Les
  4. Emporio EMP RBX 008
    Film And TV Themes
  5. Hyperion CDA 66576
    Film Music Of Virgil Thomson
  6. Priority Records 40412-2
  7. Ariola 261547
    Hans Im Glück
  8. Ariola
    Roman Za'ir
  9. Ariola 184552
    Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit
  10. Emporio EMP RBX 009 (4CD)
    Take My Breath Away
  11. Emporio EMPRCD 628
    Themes Of Horror
  12. Rio Records 7528-2
    Timerider: The Adventure Of Lyle Swann
  13. Emporio EMPRCD 662
    Top TV Soap Themes
  14. BBC Enterprises Ltd. Emporio EMPRCD 556
    TV Themes America
  15. Superior Viaduct Superior Viaduct
    Uomo Da Rispettare, Un
  16. Ariola 259204
    Zärtliche Chaoten II