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A search for 'STV-' gave the following results:

258 matches in label numbers
  1. Varese Sarabande STV 81172
    10 To Midnight
  2. Varese Sarabande STV 81138
    1001 Arabian Nights
  3. Varese Sarabande STV 81300
    52 Pick-Up
  4. Varese Sarabande STV 81135
    7th Voyage Of Sinbad, The
  5. Varese Sarabande STV 81306
    84 Charing Cross Road
  6. Varese Sarabande STV 81257
    Agnes Of God
  7. Varese Sarabande STV 81262
    Alchemist, The
  8. Varese Sarabande STV 81120
    Alcoa Presents
  9. Varese Sarabande STV 81283
  10. Varese Sarabande STV 81132
    Almost Perfect Affair, An
  11. Varese Sarabande STV-81312
    Amazing Grace And Chuck
  12. Varese Sarabande STV 81224
    Amour De Swann, Un
  13. Varese Sarabande STV 81125
  14. Varese Sarabande STV-81353
  15. Varese Sarabande STV 81284
  16. Varese Sarabande STV 81278
    April Fool's Day
  17. Varese Sarabande STV 81240
    Aviator, The
  18. Varese Sarabande STV 81174
    Beastmaster, The
  19. Varese Sarabande STV 81307
    Bedroom Window, The
  20. Varese Sarabande STV 81328
    Believers, The
Show all 258 matching label numbers