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A search for 'SV' gave the following results:

111 matches in label numbers
  1. EMI Records 1SV17120
    About Last Night...
  2. EMI Records SV-17182
    Absolute Beginners
  3. Athena ALSV-10003
    Aleksandr Nevsky
  4. Svenska Ljud SVEN 2
    Att Angöra En Brygga
  5. Starlog/Varese Sarabande ASV 95003
    Avengers, The
  6. Aniplex SVWC-70198
  7. Simply Vinyl SVLP 0029
    Best Of John Barry, The - Themeology
  8. Aniplex SVWC-7345
  9. Aniplex SVWC-7387
  10. SPE Visual Works Inc. SVWC 5002
    Blood: The Last Vampire
  11. Aniplex SVWC-7428~9
    Blue Dragon
  12. Jugoton/Virgin Records MXSVIRG 18005
    Breakfast Club, The
  13. ASV 1072
    Chamber Music
  14. Victor SV-7392
    Chôjikû Yôsai Macross: Ai Oboeteimasuka
  15. ASV 1080
    Complete Violin & Piano Music
  16. Versailles VER 468089-2
  17. Aniplex Inc. SVWC 70327-8
    Devilman: Crybaby
  18. Simply Vinyl SVLP 082
    Dirty Harry
  19. Simply Vinyl SVLP 082
    Dirty Harry Anthology
  20. MGM Records SVO2 9229
    Doctor Zhivago
Show all 111 matching label numbers