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Search Results
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A search for 'Salt' gave the following results:

7 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in label numbers
  1. Salt Records SR 6680 89
    Familie Oudenrijn, De

264 matches in tracks
  1. The Salt (02:08)
    from Himalaya - L'Enfance D'Un Chef
  2. Salt & Oil (01:59)
    from Sitting Target
  3. So - Salt * (03:33)
    from Mission: Impossible
  4. Salt (00:59)
    from BUtterfield 8: Bronislau Kaper At M-G-M, Vol. 1 (1954-1962)
  5. Salt (00:59)
    from Power And The Prize, The
  6. Salt (00:59)
    from Somebody Up There Likes Me
  7. Salt (00:59)
    from Ada
  8. Salt (00:59)
    from Two Loves
  9. Salt (00:59)
    from BUtterfield 8
  10. Salt (00:59)
    from Mutiny On The Bounty
  11. Salt (03:18)
    from No Name & Dynamite
  12. Yee-Ha / Salt Plain (01:47)
    from Letters From A Killer
  13. Salt Chaser M32 (01:34)
    from Star Trek
  14. Salt Flats (07:10)
    from Warlock
  15. Crossing The Salt Pan (05:07)
    from Rabbit-Proof Fence
  16. Salt Water (02:00)
    from Side Effects
  17. Salt Water (02:00)
    from Side Effects
  18. Here we come (04:05)
    from Prêt-à-Porter
  19. Salt on the Floor (03:55)
    from Last Exorcism Part II, The
  20. Sam Breaks In For Salt (01:06)
    from Nowhere To Run
Show all 264 matching tracks