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A search for 'Scarface' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
2 matches in labels:
  1. Scarface (Def Jam Records B0001196-02)
    Music inspired by Scarface.
  2. Walking Dead, The (Motown Records/Mad Sounds 374631320-2)
    4 track promotional single for "Among the Walking Dead" by Scarface.

22 matches in tracks
  1. Scarface (02:50)
    from Foul Play
  2. Scarface (00:00)
    from Foul Play
  3. Scarface (00:00)
    from Foul Play
  4. Scarface (02:57)
    from Foul Play
  5. Mr. Scarface (05:48)
    from Scarface
  6. Suicide (03:53)
    from Fast And The Furious, The
  7. Scarface Shakedown (00:35)
    from Scarface
  8. No Tears (02:28)
    from Office Space
    by Scarface
  9. End Title – Scarface (06:36)
    from Scarface
  10. Scarface Push (01:07)
    from Black Stallion Returns, The
  11. Jolly Scarface (02:06)
    from Green Wing
  12. Main Title – Scarface (03:42)
    from Scarface
  13. Scarface/Beckwith Volley (05:10)
    from Young Riders, The
  14. Scarface -Friday Night (03:38)
    from Friday
  15. Finale (From The Motion Picture “Scarface”) (03:28)
    from Scarface
  16. Read My Lips / Scarface’s Boys (02:14)
    from Batman: The Animated Series
  17. Girl You Know (04:15)
    from Step Up 2 The Streets
    Scarface (Featuring Trey Songz)
  18. Scarface (Push It to the Limit) (03:11)
    from Scarface
    Paul Engemann
  19. Scarface (Push It To The Limit) (02:58)
    from Scarface
    Performed by Paul Engemann
  20. Scarface - Tony's Theme (03:12)
    from 100 Greatest Film Themes - Take 2
    Composed by Giorgio Moroder
Show all 22 matching tracks