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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Shine' gave the following results:

10 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
2 matches in labels:
  1. Shine (Philips 456 403-2)
    Original Release Title: Shine - The Complete Classics
  2. Paddington (The Weinstein Company no label number)
    1 track 'For Your Consideration' promotional single for "Shine" by Pharrell Williams and Gwen Stefani.

1 matches in label numbers
  1. Endemol Shine
    Rundfunk: Jachterwachter

676 matches in tracks
  1. With The Help of God, Shine (03:23)
    from English Patient And Other Arthouse Classics, The
    from Shine: composed by David Hirschfelder
  2. With The Help of God, Shine (03:23)
    from Piano, The
    from Shine: composed by David Hirschfelder
  3. With The Help of God, Shine (03:23)
    from Shine
    from Shine: composed by David Hirschfelder
  4. With The Help of God, Shine (03:23)
    from English Patient, The
    from Shine: composed by David Hirschfelder
  5. With The Help of God, Shine (03:23)
    from Portrait Of A Lady, The
    from Shine: composed by David Hirschfelder
  6. Shine (00:00)
    from Black Dynamite
  7. With The Help of God, Shine (03:19)
    from Shine
  8. Shine On (09:44)
    from Yakuza, The
  9. Get your shine on (03:12)
    from Ice Princess
  10. Shine (02:50)
    from Cabin In The Sky
  11. Shine (01:50)
    from Papicha
  12. Shine on (09:44)
    from Yakuza, The
  13. Shine (01:50)
    from Papicha
  14. Shine On (07:51)
    from Sleepwalking
  15. Shine (00:00)
    from Black Dynamite
  16. With The Help Of God, Shine (03:20)
    from Shine
  17. Shine (02:43)
    from Black Dynamite
  18. Shine (00:00)
    from Sweet And Lowdown
  19. Shine for Me (02:32)
    from Baby The Rain Must Fall
  20. Never Seen Them Shine Like That Before (00:49)
    from Being Julia
Show all 676 matching tracks