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A search for 'VC' gave the following results:

1459 matches in label numbers
  1. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0204 1028
    100 Rifles
  2. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL-0208-1074
    13th Letter, The
  3. Varese Sarabande VC-81071
    36 Hours
  4. Vivi Musica Soundtracks VCDS 7011
    40 Giorni Di Libertà
  5. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 1211 1128
    5 Fingers
  6. Varese Sarabande VCD 47256
    7th Voyage Of Sinbad, The
  7. Vivi Musica VCDS 7001
    8 1/2
  8. Vivi Musica Soundtracks VCDS 7025
    8 1/2
  9. BMG Victor BVCP-1064
    À Bout De Souffle
  10. MCA Victor MVCM-22067
    A Dog's Life, A
  11. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 1213 1144
    Abyss, The
  12. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0204 1028
    Ace Eli And Rodger Of The Skies
  13. BMG BVCM-37063-72
    Ad Ogni Costo
  14. RCA Records BVCP 1042
    Addio Zio Tom
  15. Varese Sarabande VCL 0703 1021
    Adventures Of Huck Finn, The
  16. Varese Sarabande VCD 47202
    Adventures Of Robin Hood, The
  17. BMG Victor/Milan BVCP-1067
    Agent Trouble
  18. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0204 1028
    Agony And The Ecstasy, The
  19. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 1104 1032
    Agony And The Ecstasy, The
  20. RCA Red Seal RVC-2211
    Ai No Borei
Show all 1459 matching label numbers