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A search for 'VCL' gave the following results:

12 matches in labels:
  1. Burbs, The (Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 9201.10)
    Limited edition of 2,500 copies.Labelnumber on back of CDbox as well on CD reads VCL 9201.10. On side of CDbox it says VCL 9102.10.
  2. Film Music Of Alfred Newman, The (Citadel Records STC 77139)
    Original Release Title: Legendary Hollywood Alfred Newman
    Re-issue of Varese Sarabande VCL 9201.11.
  3. Captain From Castile (Citadel Records STC 77139)
    Original Release Title: Legendary Hollywood Alfred Newman
    Re-issue of Varese Sarabande VCL 9201.11.
  4. All About Eve (Citadel Records STC 77139)
    Original Release Title: Legendary Hollywood Alfred Newman
    Re-issue of Varese Sarabande VCL 9201.11.
  5. Pinky (Citadel Records STC 77139)
    Original Release Title: Legendary Hollywood Alfred Newman
    Re-issue of Varese Sarabande VCL 9201.11.
  6. Wuthering Heights (Citadel Records STC 77139)
    Original Release Title: Legendary Hollywood Alfred Newman
    Re-issue of Varese Sarabande VCL 9201.11.
  7. Royal Scandal, A (Citadel Records STC 77139)
    Original Release Title: Legendary Hollywood Alfred Newman
    Re-issue of Varese Sarabande VCL 9201.11.
  8. Song Of Bernadette, The (Citadel Records STC 77139)
    Original Release Title: Legendary Hollywood Alfred Newman
    Re-issue of Varese Sarabande VCL 9201.11.
  9. Razor's Edge, The (Citadel Records STC 77139)
    Original Release Title: Legendary Hollywood Alfred Newman
    Re-issue of Varese Sarabande VCL 9201.11.
  10. How Green Was My Valley (Citadel Records STC 77139)
    Original Release Title: Legendary Hollywood Alfred Newman
    Re-issue of Varese Sarabande VCL 9201.11.
  11. Letter To Three Wives, A (Citadel Records STC 77139)
    Original Release Title: Legendary Hollywood Alfred Newman
    Re-issue of Varese Sarabande VCL 9201.11.
  12. Street Scene (Citadel Records STC 77139)
    Original Release Title: Legendary Hollywood Alfred Newman
    Re-issue of Varese Sarabande VCL 9201.11.

422 matches in label numbers
  1. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0204 1028
    100 Rifles
  2. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL-0208-1074
    13th Letter, The
  3. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 1211 1128
    5 Fingers
  4. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 1213 1144
    Abyss, The
  5. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0204 1028
    Ace Eli And Rodger Of The Skies
  6. Varese Sarabande VCL 0703 1021
    Adventures Of Huck Finn, The
  7. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0204 1028
    Agony And The Ecstasy, The
  8. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 1104 1032
    Agony And The Ecstasy, The
  9. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0919 1195
    Air Force One
  10. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0511 1119
    Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The
  11. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 1011 1125
    Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The
  12. Varese Sarabande VCL 0512 1130
    Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The
  13. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0204 1028
  14. Varese Sarabande VCL 0512 1135
  15. Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 0505 1035
    Alien Nation
  16. Varese Sarabande VCL 0512 1135
    Alien Resurrection
  17. Varese Sarabande VCL 0512 1135
    Alien: A Biomechanical Symphony
  18. Varese Sarabande VCL 0512 1135
  19. Varese Sarabande VCL 0512 1135
    Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem
  20. Varese Sarabande VCL 0703 1021
Show all 422 matching label numbers