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A search for 'Wheeler' gave the following results:

2 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
5 matches in composers
  1. Harold Wheeler
  2. Martin Wheeler
  3. Kenny Wheeler
  4. Elliott Wheeler
  5. Wheeler Bryson

55 matches in tracks
  1. Roman Nights [Not Film Music] (01:52)
    from Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
    Harold Wheeler, produced by Meco Monardo, Tony Bongiovi and Harold Wheeler
  2. She's Got It (02:04)
    from Nuit De La Glisse: Addicted To Life
    Ben Wheeler
  3. Wheeler (00:59)
    from Wheeler
  4. Wheeler Dealer (00:55)
    from Caccia Alla Volpe
  5. Wheeler Dealer (00:00)
    from Caccia Alla Volpe
  6. Wheeler Dealer (00:58)
    from Caccia Alla Volpe
  7. Tug Of War & Wheeler Apologizes (02:40)
    from Role Models
  8. Wheeler Dealer (00:55)
    from Caccia Alla Volpe
  9. Wheeler Fight (02:32)
    from Creed II
  10. Rendezvous with Wheeler (03:14)
    from Mackintosh Man, The
  11. Rendezvous with Wheeler (03:14)
    from Seven Days In May
  12. MAGIC [Jacob Wheeler] (04:44)
    from Kidô Senshi Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory
  13. I Adore You (04:44)
    from Mo' Money
    Caron Wheeler
  14. Wheeler Reunion 1890 (01:16)
    from Into The West
  15. Wheeler/Cole Smashes (02:25)
    from Days Of Thunder
  16. Feels Like Summer (00:00)
    from Shaun The Sheep Movie
    Tim Wheeler
  17. Don't Quit (04:22)
    from Career Opportunities
    Charon Wheeler
  18. Wheeler/Cole Smashes (02:25)
    from Days Of Thunder
  19. Those Baby Blues (01:52)
    from Lianna
    Cheryl Wheeler
  20. Le Train (02:31)
    from Young Billy Young
    Both tracks performed by Billy Edd Wheeler
Show all 55 matching tracks