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Search Results
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A search for 'Elephant' gave the following results:

921 matches in tracks
  1. Elephant Walk - Suite (12:34)
    from Legends Of Hollywood: Franz Waxman Vol. 3
    Prelude, Appeal for Help, Cylon Romance, Elephant Stampede & Finale
  2. Elephant Walk - Suite (12:34)
    from Elephant Walk
    Prelude, Appeal for Help, Cylon Romance, Elephant Stampede & Finale
  3. Elephant Walk - Suite (12:34)
    from Night And The City
    Prelude, Appeal for Help, Cylon Romance, Elephant Stampede & Finale
  4. Elephant Walk - Suite (12:34)
    from Night Unto Night
    Prelude, Appeal for Help, Cylon Romance, Elephant Stampede & Finale
  5. Elephant Walk - Suite (12:34)
    from Furies, The
    Prelude, Appeal for Help, Cylon Romance, Elephant Stampede & Finale
  6. Elephant Walk - Suite (12:34)
    from Hotel Berlin
    Prelude, Appeal for Help, Cylon Romance, Elephant Stampede & Finale
  7. Elephant Walk - Suite (12:34)
    from Destination Tokyo
    Prelude, Appeal for Help, Cylon Romance, Elephant Stampede & Finale
  8. Elephant Walk - Suite (12:34)
    from Mr. Skeffington
    Prelude, Appeal for Help, Cylon Romance, Elephant Stampede & Finale
  9. Elephant Walk - Suite (12:34)
    from Silver Chalice, The
    Prelude, Appeal for Help, Cylon Romance, Elephant Stampede & Finale
  10. Elephant Stampede (00:00)
    from Elephant Walk
    tracks 1 - 6 from "Elephant Walk" (1954)
  11. Elephant Stampede (00:00)
    from Botany Bay
    tracks 1 - 6 from "Elephant Walk" (1954)
  12. Elephant Stampede (00:00)
    from Stalag 17
    tracks 1 - 6 from "Elephant Walk" (1954)
  13. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:18)
    from Plus Belles Musiques De Vladimir Cosma, Les Vol.1
    12-13 from "Un Éléphant ça trompe énormement"
  14. Balade de l'éléphant ("Un Eléphant ça trompe énormément") (00:00)
    from Vladimir Cosma - Les Incontournables
  15. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Compact d'Or De Vladimir Cosma
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  16. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Fugitifs, Les
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  17. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Année Prochaine... Si Tout Va Bien, L'
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  18. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from 7ème Cible, La
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  19. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from P'tit Con
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  20. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  21. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  22. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Cause Toujours... Tu M'Intéresses!
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  23. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Compères, Les
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  24. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Lévy Et Goliath
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  25. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Pleure Pas La Bouche Pleine
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  26. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Affaire d'Hommes, Une
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  27. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Distrait, Le
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  28. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Père Noël Est Une Ordure, Le
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  29. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Bal, Le
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  30. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Retour Du Grand Blond, Le
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  31. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Sous-doués En Vacances, Les
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  32. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Boum, La
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  33. Ballade de l'Eléphant (02:18)
    from Jouet, Le
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  34. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Film Noir
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  35. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Man Who Knew Too Much, The
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  36. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Usual Suspects, The
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  37. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Dead Zone, The
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  38. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Psycho
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  39. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Tirez Sur Le Pianiste
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  40. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from North By Northwest
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  41. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Intersection
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  42. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Bride Of Frankenstein
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  43. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Wrong Man, The
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  44. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Vertigo
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  45. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Mariée était En Noir, La
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  46. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Taxi Driver
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  47. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Dressed To Kill
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  48. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Elephant Man, The
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  49. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Consenting Adults
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  50. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Primal Fear
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  51. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Naked Lunch
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  52. THE ELEPHANT MAN (00:00)
    from Casablanca
    "The Elephant Man Theme"
  53. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:37)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  54. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:37)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  55. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Vladimir Cosma: 40 Films, 40 Bandes Originales
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  56. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Alexandre Le Bienheureux
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  57. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Clérambard
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  58. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Gloire De Mon Père, La
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  59. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Château De Ma Mère, Le
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  60. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Aventures De Rabbi Jacob, Les
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  61. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Lévy Et Goliath
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  62. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Diva
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  63. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Boum, La
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  64. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Jaguar, Le
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  65. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Placard, Le
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  66. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from 7ème Cible, La
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  67. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Prix Du Danger, Le
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  68. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Dupont-Lajoie
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  69. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Michel Strogoff
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  70. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Aventures De Tom Sawyer, Les
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  71. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Dérobade, La
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  72. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Temps Des Porte-plumes, Le
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  73. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Vouivre, La
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  74. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Femme Abandonnée, La
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  75. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Veuve Rouge, La
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  76. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Père Noël Est Une Ordure, Le
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  77. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Sous-doués En Vacances, Les
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  78. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Année Prochaine... Si Tout Va Bien, L'
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  79. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from P'tit Con
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  80. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Tête Dans Le Sac, La
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  81. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Kidnapped
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  82. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Roses De Dublin, Les
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  83. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Loup Blanc, Le
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  84. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Chèvre, La
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  85. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Jouet, Le
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  86. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Grand Blond Avec Une Chaussure Noire, Le
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  87. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Mistral's Daughter
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  88. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Night Of The Fox
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  89. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Cuisine Et Dépendances
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  90. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Sables Mouvants, Les
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  91. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  92. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  93. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Bal Des Casse-pieds, Le
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  94. Un éléphant ça trompe énormément (01:40)
    from Dazzle
    Tracks 1-8 from "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément" (1976)
  95. Un éléphant ça trompe énormement (01:37)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  96. Un éléphant ça trompe énormement (01:37)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  97. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:48)
    from Dumbo
  98. Elephant (02:10)
    from Man Who Knew Infinity, The
  99. The Elephant (03:14)
    from Mister Moses
  100. Elephant (01:23)
    from Rogue
  101. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:48)
    from Dumbo
  102. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:48)
    from Dumbo
  103. L’éléphant (01:46)
    from Assassinat Du Duc De Guise, L'
  104. Elephant (02:07)
    from Stranded
  105. Elephant (02:10)
    from Bangkok Dangerous
  106. Elephant Scare (00:49)
    from Hatari!
  107. Elephant Bones (01:36)
    from Kilimanjaro: To The Roof Of Africa
  108. Jumbo l'éléphant (03:00)
    from Aile Ou La Cuisse, L'
    from Elephant Man, The
  110. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:18)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  111. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:18)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  112. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:18)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  113. Elephant Battle (01:13)
    from Medal Of Honor Soundtrack Collection
  114. Elephant Battle (01:13)
    from Medal Of Honor
  115. Elephant Battle (01:13)
    from Medal Of Honor: Underground
  116. Elephant Battle (01:13)
    from Medal Of Honor: Frontline
  117. Elephant Battle (01:13)
    from Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault
  118. Elephant Battle (01:13)
    from Medal Of Honor: Pacific Assault
  119. Elephant Battle (01:13)
    from Medal Of Honor: European Assault
  120. Elephant Battle (01:13)
    from Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun
  121. Elephant Battle (01:13)
    from Medal Of Honor: Airborne
  122. Elephant Battle (01:13)
    from Medal Of Honor
  123. Elephant Graveyard (04:48)
    from Lion King, The
  124. Elephant Ride (01:02)
    from Big Top Pee-wee
  125. Wayne's Elephant (00:34)
    from Castle, The
  126. Elephant Battle (01:12)
    from Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun
  127. Dead Elephant (00:37)
    from Hatari!
  128. Elephant Bones (01:42)
    from Documentary Collection, The
  129. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Vladimir Cosma: 40 Films, 40 Bandes Originales
  130. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Alexandre Le Bienheureux
  131. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Clérambard
  132. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Gloire De Mon Père, La
  133. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Château De Ma Mère, Le
  134. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Aventures De Rabbi Jacob, Les
  135. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Lévy Et Goliath
  136. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Diva
  137. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Boum, La
  138. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Jaguar, Le
  139. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Placard, Le
  140. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from 7ème Cible, La
  141. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Prix Du Danger, Le
  142. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Dupont-Lajoie
  143. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Michel Strogoff
  144. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Aventures De Tom Sawyer, Les
  145. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Dérobade, La
  146. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Temps Des Porte-plumes, Le
  147. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Vouivre, La
  148. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Femme Abandonnée, La
  149. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Veuve Rouge, La
  150. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Père Noël Est Une Ordure, Le
  151. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Sous-doués En Vacances, Les
  152. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Année Prochaine... Si Tout Va Bien, L'
  153. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from P'tit Con
  154. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Tête Dans Le Sac, La
  155. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Kidnapped
  156. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Roses De Dublin, Les
  157. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Loup Blanc, Le
  158. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Chèvre, La
  159. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Jouet, Le
  160. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Grand Blond Avec Une Chaussure Noire, Le
  161. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Mistral's Daughter
  162. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Night Of The Fox
  163. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Cuisine Et Dépendances
  164. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Sables Mouvants, Les
  165. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  166. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  167. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Bal Des Casse-pieds, Le
  168. Les Souvenirs de l'Eléphant (02:48)
    from Dazzle
  169. 6M3 (Wounded Elephant) (02:23)
    from Johnny Mandel Trio, A
  170. 6M3 (Wounded Elephant) (02:23)
    from Americanization Of Emily, The
  171. 6M3 (Wounded Elephant) (02:23)
    from Sandpiper, The
  172. 6M3 (Wounded Elephant) (02:23)
    from Drums Of Africa
  173. Elephant Walk (02:15)
    from Ivor The Engine
  174. Elephant Walk (02:15)
    from Pogles' Wood
  175. Elephant Rides Again (03:22)
    from Elephant Called Slowly, An
  176. Flying Elephant (03:31)
    from Larger Than Life
  177. An Elephant Miracle (02:03)
    from Larger Than Life
  178. The Elephant Graveyard (05:19)
    from Lion King, The
  179. Elephant Chase (03:00)
    from Tom Yum Goong
  180. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Vladimir Cosma: 40 Films, 40 Bandes Originales
  181. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Alexandre Le Bienheureux
  182. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Clérambard
  183. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Gloire De Mon Père, La
  184. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Château De Ma Mère, Le
  185. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Aventures De Rabbi Jacob, Les
  186. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Lévy Et Goliath
  187. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Diva
  188. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Boum, La
  189. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Jaguar, Le
  190. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Placard, Le
  191. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from 7ème Cible, La
  192. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Prix Du Danger, Le
  193. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Dupont-Lajoie
  194. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Michel Strogoff
  195. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Aventures De Tom Sawyer, Les
  196. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Dérobade, La
  197. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Temps Des Porte-plumes, Le
  198. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Vouivre, La
  199. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Femme Abandonnée, La
  200. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Veuve Rouge, La
  201. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Père Noël Est Une Ordure, Le
  202. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Sous-doués En Vacances, Les
  203. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Année Prochaine... Si Tout Va Bien, L'
  204. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from P'tit Con
  205. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Tête Dans Le Sac, La
  206. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Kidnapped
  207. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Roses De Dublin, Les
  208. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Loup Blanc, Le
  209. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Chèvre, La
  210. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Jouet, Le
  211. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Grand Blond Avec Une Chaussure Noire, Le
  212. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Mistral's Daughter
  213. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Night Of The Fox
  214. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Cuisine Et Dépendances
  215. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Sables Mouvants, Les
  216. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  217. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  218. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Bal Des Casse-pieds, Le
  219. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:20)
    from Dazzle
  220. Blue Elephant (01:27)
    from Invités De Mon Père, Les
  221. Elephant Family (03:01)
    from Visit To A Chief's Son
  222. Elephant Futures (00:57)
    from Human Planet
  223. Elephant Story (01:40)
    from Beastly
  224. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:18)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  225. Ballade de l'éléphant (02:18)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  226. Les souvenirs d'éléphant (02:45)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  227. Les souvenirs d'éléphant (02:45)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  228. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Vladimir Cosma - 51 Bandes Originales Pour 51 Films
  229. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from As Des As, L'
  230. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Animal, L'
  231. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Étudiante, L'
  232. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Plus Beau Métier Du Monde, Le
  233. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Dîner De Cons, Le
  234. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Compères, Les
  235. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Fugitifs, Les
  236. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Châteauvallon
  237. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Tiroir Secret, Le
  238. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Billet Doux
  239. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Bal, Le
  240. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Salut L'Artiste
  241. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Courage Fuyons
  242. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Boum 2, La
  243. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Dracula Père Et Fils
  244. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Téléphone Rose, Le
  245. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Cause Toujours... Tu M'Intéresses!
  246. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Souper, Le
  247. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Astérix Et La Surprise De César
  248. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Astérix Chez Les Bretons
  249. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Rahan - Fils Des âges Farouches
  250. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Mystères De Paris, Les
  251. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Double Vie De Théophraste Longuet, La
  252. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Aile Ou La Cuisse, L'
  253. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Zizanie, La
  254. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Maldonne
  255. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Teresa
  256. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Rivale, La
  257. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from À Chacun Son Enfer
  258. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Affaire d'Hommes, Une
  259. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Affaire, L'
  260. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Distrait, Le
  261. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Malheurs d'Alfred, Les
  262. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Je Suis Timide... Mais Je Me Soigne
  263. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Neige Et Le Feu, La
  264. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Palmes De M. Schutz, Les
  265. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Été 36, L'
  266. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Inspecteur La Bavure
  267. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Rois Du Gag, Les
  268. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Totale!, La
  269. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Pleure Pas La Bouche Pleine
  270. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Zozos, Les
  271. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Chaud Lapin, Le
  272. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Surprise Du Chef, La
  273. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Confidences Pour Confidences
  274. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Oursin Dans La Poche, Un
  275. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Celles Qu'on N'a Pas Eues
  276. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Pagaille, La
  277. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Retour Du Grand Blond, Le
  278. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Moutarde Me Monte Au Nez, La
  279. Jumbo l’éléphant (02:58)
    from Course à L'Echalote, La
  280. Babar l'éléphant (02:01)
    from Aventures De Babar, Les
  281. Blue Elephant 2 (01:30)
    from Invités De Mon Père, Les
  282. The Elephant Man Theme (03:46)
    from Elephant Man, The
  283. Elephant Chase (02:00)
    from Tashunga
  284. Elephant Chase (02:00)
    from Great Elephant Escape, The
  285. Elephant Graveyard * (06:38)
    from Lion King, The
  286. Elephant Graveyard * (06:38)
    from Lion King, The
  287. The Elephant Heard (01:49)
    from David Copperfield
  288. The Elephant Heard (01:49)
    from Roots Of Heaven, The
  289. The Elephant Hunt (03:59)
    from David Copperfield
  290. The Elephant Hunt (03:59)
    from Roots Of Heaven, The
  291. The Reflexes of an Elephant (02:09)
    from Clickbait
  292. Elephant Ride (02:35)
    from Big Top Pee-wee
  293. Wild elephant (00:00)
    from Roots Of Heaven, The
  294. Elephant Graveyard * (06:38)
    from Lion King, The
  295. Elephant hunt (00:00)
    from Roots Of Heaven, The
  296. ELEPHANT STAMPEDE (02:40)
    from Born Free
  297. Elephant Polka (00:49)
    from Valley Of Gwangi, The
  298. One Lucky Elephant (05:57)
    from Miriam Cutler Film Music
  299. Elephant Prologue (06:04)
    from Elephant
  300. Jumbo l'Eléphant (03:00)
    from Aventures De Rabbi Jacob, Les
  301. Jumbo l'Eléphant (03:00)
    from Aile Ou La Cuisse, L'
  302. Jumbo l'Eléphant (03:00)
    from Zizanie, La
  303. The Elephant Herd (03:46)
    from Tashunga
  304. The Elephant Herd (03:46)
    from Great Elephant Escape, The
  305. The Elephant King (00:51)
    from Breadwinner, The
  306. Éléphant rose (03:36)
    from Netchaïev Est De Retour
  307. Éléphant rose (03:36)
    from On Ne Meurt Que 2 Fois
    from Elephant Man, The
  309. Elephant Waterfall (00:00)
    from Jungle Book, The
  310. ELEPHANT STAMPEDE (02:40)
    from Born Free
  311. Elephant Waltz (02:08)
    from Film Music Of Sir Malcolm Arnold, Vol. 2 The
  312. Elephant Waltz (02:08)
    from Trapeze
  313. Elephant Waltz (02:08)
    from Roots Of Heaven, The
  314. Elephant Waltz (02:08)
    from No Love For Johnny
  315. Elephant Waltz (02:08)
    from David Copperfield
  316. Elephant Waltz (02:08)
    from You Know What Sailors Are
  317. Elephant Waltz (02:08)
    from Stolen Face, A
  318. Elephant Waltz (02:08)
    from Belles Of St. Trinian's, The
  319. Elephant Waltz (02:08)
    from Holly And The Ivy, The
  320. Elephant Waltz (02:08)
    from Captain's Paradise, The
  321. The Elephant Man Theme (03:46)
    from Elephant Man, The
  322. Elephant Graveyard (04:48)
    from Lion King, The
  323. Elephant At Stake (02:40)
    from Tashunga
  324. Elephant At Stake (02:40)
    from Great Elephant Escape, The
  325. The Elephant Hunt (00:00)
    from Naked Ape, The
  326. Elephant Stampede (00:00)
    from Flame Trees Of Thika, The
  327. Les Souvenirs De l'Éléphant (02:45)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  328. Les Souvenirs De l'Éléphant (02:45)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  329. Elephant Waterfall (03:27)
    from Jungle Book, The
  330. Ballade de l'Éléphant (02:18)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  331. Ballade de l'Éléphant (02:18)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  332. Elephant Conspiracy (00:00)
    from Great Moghuls, The
  333. The Elephant's Face (00:00)
    from Jungle Book 2, The
  334. Les souvenirs de l'éléphant (02:45)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  335. Les souvenirs de l'éléphant (02:45)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  336. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Disney Collection, The - Vol. 2
  337. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Little Mermaid, The
  338. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Mary Poppins
  339. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Jungle Book, The
  340. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Lady And The Tramp
  341. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from One Hundred and One Dalmatians
  342. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Aristocats, The
  343. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Dumbo
  344. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Peter Pan
  345. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Pinocchio
  346. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Davy Crockett, King Of The Wild Frontier
  347. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Zorro
  348. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Saludos Amigos
  349. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Bambi
  350. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from So Dear To My Heart
  351. When I see an elephant fly (00:00)
    from Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs
  352. The Elephant in the Room (02:40)
    from Trumbo
  353. Wild Elephant (01:58)
    from Sun Also Rises, The
  354. Wild Elephant (01:58)
    from Roots Of Heaven, The
  355. Wild Elephant (01:58)
    from Cinema Of Juliette Greco, The
  356. Wild Elephant (01:58)
    from Bonjour Tristesse
  357. Wild Elephant (01:58)
    from Oeil Pour Oeil
  358. Wild Elephant (01:58)
    from Elena Et Les Hommes
  359. Wild Elephant (01:58)
    from Orphée
  360. Elephant Hunt (04:11)
    from Sun Also Rises, The
  361. Elephant Hunt (04:11)
    from Roots Of Heaven, The
  362. Elephant Hunt (04:11)
    from Cinema Of Juliette Greco, The
  363. Elephant Hunt (04:11)
    from Bonjour Tristesse
  364. Elephant Hunt (04:11)
    from Oeil Pour Oeil
  365. Elephant Hunt (04:11)
    from Elena Et Les Hommes
  366. Elephant Hunt (04:11)
    from Orphée
  367. Jumbo l'éléphant (03:00)
    from Aventures De Rabbi Jacob, Les
  368. Jumbo l'éléphant (03:00)
    from Zizanie, La
  369. Jumbo l'éléphant (03:00)
    from Aile Ou La Cuisse, L'
  370. Jumbo l'éléphant (02:59)
    from Aile Ou La Cuisse, L'
  371. Jumbo l'éléphant (02:59)
    from Inspecteur La Bavure
  372. Jumbo l'éléphant (02:59)
    from Banzaï
  373. Jumbo l'éléphant (02:59)
    from Rois Du Gag, Les
  374. Jumbo l'éléphant (02:59)
    from Vous N'Aurez Pas L'Alsace Et La Lorraine
  375. Baby Elephant Walk (02:41)
    from Hatari!
  376. Baby Elephant Walk (02:34)
    from Hatari!
  377. Baby Elephant Walk (02:34)
    from Wonderful World Of The Brothers Grimm, The
  378. Stasiu, słoń! (02:02)
    from W Pustyni I W Puszczy
    Stas, Elephant!
  379. Elephant Seal March (02:36)
    from Blue Planet, The
  380. Elephant Love Call (01:54)
    from Sono Un Fenomeno Paranormale
  381. Chasing the Pink Elephant (00:00)
    from Inside Out
  382. Elephant Grand Parade (00:00)
    from Search For Paradise
  383. L'Éléphant fait des pointes (02:41)
    from Petit Déjeuner Compris
  384. L'Éléphant fait des pointes (02:41)
    from Pourquoi Pas Nous?
  385. L'Éléphant fait des pointes (02:41)
    from Billet Doux
  386. An Elephant Called Slowly (01:55)
    from Elephant Called Slowly, An
  387. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from This Is Henry Mancini
  388. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Peter Gunn
  389. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Days Of Wine And Roses
  390. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Mr. Lucky
  391. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Midnight Cowboy
  392. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Great Race, The
  393. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Hatari!
  394. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Breakfast At Tiffany's
  395. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Pink Panther, The
  396. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Romeo And Juliet
  397. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Dear Heart
  398. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Charade
  399. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Henry Mancini - The Classic Soundtrack Collection
  400. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Pink Panther, The
  401. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Return Of The Pink Panther, The
  402. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Breakfast At Tiffany's
  403. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Charade
  404. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Hatari!
  405. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Oklahoma Crude
  406. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from What Did You Do In The War, Daddy?
  407. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from High Time
  408. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Experiment In Terror
  409. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Darling Lili
  410. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Gunn
  411. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Who Is Killing The Great Chefs Of Europe?
  412. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Two For The Road
  413. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Arabesque
  414. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Great Race, The
  415. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Me, Natalie
  416. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Party, The
  417. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Visions Of Eight
  418. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Hatari!
  419. Elephant Seal Duel (00:00)
    from Frozen Planet
  420. Baby Elephant Walk (00:00)
    from Hatari!
  421. Baby Elephant Walk (00:00)
    from Hatari!
  422. Bull Elephant Fight (02:49)
    from Africa
  423. Zsa Zsa's Delight / Elephant Ride (01:13)
    from Big Top Pee-wee
  424. Elephant Walk Prelude (00:00)
    from Elephant Walk
  425. Elephant Walk Prelude (00:00)
    from Botany Bay
  426. Elephant Walk Prelude (00:00)
    from Stalag 17
  427. Elephant (03:35)
    from Fifth Estate, The
    Tame Impala
  428. Baby Elephant Walk (00:00)
    from Hatari!
  429. JUNGLES - Elephant Futures (00:57)
    from Human Planet
  430. Pee-wee Tries/Elephant*/Pee-wee Tries Again/Town Spies (03:34)
    from Big Top Pee-wee
    from Search For Paradise
  432. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Pink Panther And Other Hits
  433. Fanfare And Elephant’s Waltz (02:53)
    from Bridge On The River Kwai, The
  434. Chasing the Pink Elephant (00:00)
    from Inside Out
  435. Elephant Seal March (02:36)
    from Blue Planet, The
  436. Elephant Seal March (02:36)
    from Blue Planet, The
  437. Elephant Seal Fight (01:48)
    from Cousteau - Cape Horn / Channel Islands
  438. Martha Lifts the Elephant (00:00)
    from Invincible
  439. Elephant Walk (03:22)
    from Hollywoodland
    Performed by
  440. Baby elephant walk (02:40)
    from Hatari!
  441. Horton The Elephant's Going To Be Caged (05:21)
    from How The Grinch Stole Christmas!
  442. Horton The Elephant's Going To Be Caged (05:21)
    from Horton Hears A Who!
  443. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Hatari!
  444. Un éléphant ça trompe énormement (00:00)
    from Jeunes Filles, Les
  445. The Fleet Foot of the Elephant (04:23)
    from Vanity Fair
  446. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Best Of Henry Mancini
  447. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Breakfast At Tiffany's
  448. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Pink Panther, The
  449. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Days Of Wine And Roses
  450. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Shot In The Dark, A
  451. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Love Story
  452. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid
  453. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Mr. Lucky
  454. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Peter Gunn
  455. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Experiment In Terror
  456. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Thomas Crown Affair, The
  457. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Charade
  458. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Midnight Cowboy
  459. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Summer Of '42
  460. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Hatari!
  461. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Best Of Henry Mancini
  462. The Elephant Man (03:45)
    from Film Noir!
    John Morris
  463. Baby elephant walk (00:00)
    from Hatari!
  464. elephant grand parade (01:13)
    from Search For Paradise
  465. L'Elephant Fait des Pointes (02:40)
    from Petit Déjeuner Compris
  466. Mrs. Beakley Meets The Elephant (01:39)
    from DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure Of The Lost Lamp
  467. Martha Lifts the Elephant (02:06)
    from Invincible
  468. Martha Lifts the Elephant (02:06)
    from Invincible
  469. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Hatari!
  470. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from High Time
  471. Baby Elephant Walk (04:01)
    from Music Of Henry Mancini, The
  472. Fanfare And Elephant's Walk (00:00)
    from Trapeze
  473. Fanfare And Elephant's Walk (00:00)
    from Greatest Show On Earth, The
  474. Baby Elephant Walk (03:57)
    from Two For The Road
  475. Baby Elephant Walk (03:57)
    from Two For The Road - The Music Of Henry Mancini
  476. Baby Elephant Walk (03:57)
    from Peter Gunn
  477. Baby Elephant Walk (03:57)
    from Gunn
  478. Baby Elephant Walk (03:57)
    from Mr. Lucky
  479. Baby Elephant Walk (03:57)
    from Moment To Moment
  480. Baby Elephant Walk (03:57)
    from Hatari!
  481. Baby Elephant Walk (03:57)
    from Days Of Wine And Roses
  482. Baby Elephant Walk (03:57)
    from Darling Lili
  483. Baby Elephant Walk (03:57)
    from Soldier In The Rain
  484. Un Éléphant ça Trompe Énormément (01:37)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  485. Un Éléphant ça Trompe Énormément (01:37)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  486. Baby Elephant Walk (02:41)
    from Hatari!
  487. Elephant Parade (00:26)
    from Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
    Jon Brion
  488. Elephant/Panther/Let Me Go/Halloween (04:45)
    from Long, Long Trailer, The
  489. Elephant/Panther/Let Me Go/Halloween (04:45)
    from Forever, Darling
  490. The Flight Test/When I See An Elephant Fly (Reprise) (00:56)
    from Dumbo
  491. Elephant Temple / Lihn's Flashback (06:13)
    from Operation Dumbo Drop
  492. Photo Album / Elephant Legend (03:15)
    from Wild Thornberrys Movie, The
  493. Rawhide (01:16)
    from Happy Feet Two
    Elephant Seal Chorus
  494. Baby Elephant Walk (02:41)
    from Hatari!
    from HATARI!
  495. Baby Elephant Walk (02:41)
    from My Geisha
    from HATARI!
  496. Elephant and Castle (01:03)
    from Intimacy
    Eric Neveux
  497. The Elephant Massacre / Chasing The Poachers (05:01)
    from To Walk With Lions
  498. Mowgli's Leaving / Elephant Theme (03:28)
    from Jungle Book, The
  499. Recapitulation (The Elephant Man) (00:00)
    from Cinema Du Monde
    John Morris
  500. Zabawa ze słoniem (02:43)
    from W Pustyni I W Puszczy
    Play With Elephant
  501. Elephant Rising / Valence Vendanta (03:38)
    from Around The World In 80 Days
  502. Elephant Parade (00:00)
    from Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
    by John Brion
  503. An Elephant Never Forgets (01:38)
    from Journey Back To Oz
    Ethel Merman
  504. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:42)
    from Hannibal Brooks
  505. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Hannibal Brooks
  506. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Compact d'Or De Vladimir Cosma
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  507. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Fugitifs, Les
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  508. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Année Prochaine... Si Tout Va Bien, L'
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  509. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from 7ème Cible, La
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  510. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from P'tit Con
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  511. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  512. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  513. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Cause Toujours... Tu M'Intéresses!
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  514. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Compères, Les
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  515. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Lévy Et Goliath
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  516. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Pleure Pas La Bouche Pleine
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  517. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Affaire d'Hommes, Une
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  518. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Distrait, Le
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  519. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Père Noël Est Une Ordure, Le
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  520. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Bal, Le
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  521. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Retour Du Grand Blond, Le
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  522. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Sous-doués En Vacances, Les
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  523. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Boum, La
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  524. Hello Marylin (03:52)
    from Jouet, Le
    from "Un Eléphant ça Trompe Enormement"
  525. Hello Marylin ("Un Eléphant ça trompe énormément") (00:00)
    from Vladimir Cosma - Les Incontournables
  526. Sulayman Defies the Elephant King (02:49)
    from Breadwinner, The
  527. Photo Album/Elephant Legend* (03:15)
    from Wild Thornberrys Movie, The
  528. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from MGM Soundtrack Treasury, The
  529. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Apartment, The
  530. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Fortune Cookie, The
  531. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from How To Murder Your Wife
  532. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Duel At Diablo
  533. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming, The
  534. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Fugitive Kind, The
  535. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Rage To Live, A
  536. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Goodbye Again
  537. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Happy Ending, The
  538. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Billion Dollar Brain
  539. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Shake Hands With The Devil
  540. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Charge Of The Light Brigade, The
  541. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Honey Pot, The
  542. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Pussycat, Pussycat, I Love You
  543. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Fiume Di Dollari, Un
  544. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Hornets' Nest
  545. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from 7th Dawn, The
  546. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Glory Guys, The
  547. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Hannibal Brooks
  548. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:41)
    from Who Dares Wins
  549. Elephant Rising / Valente Vendeta (03:38)
    from Around The World In 80 Days
  550. theme (03:44)
    from Horror And Science Fiction Vol.2
    THE ELEPHANT MAN (John Morris)
  551. Baby Elephant Walk (Hatari!) (02:40)
    from Cade's County
  552. Baby Elephant Walk (Hatari!) (02:40)
    from Hatari!
  553. Elephant Called Slowly (Reprise) (03:09)
    from Elephant Called Slowly, An
  554. The Flight Test/When I See An Elephant Fly (Reprise) (00:56)
    from Dumbo
  555. The Flight Test / When I See An Elephant Fly (Reprise) (00:57)
    from Dumbo
  556. Baby Elephant Walk (short) (01:57)
    from Hatari!
  557. Baby Elephant Walk (long) (03:14)
    from Hatari!
  558. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:38)
    from Dirty Dozen, The
  559. Elephant Shake (Lucy's Theme) (02:38)
    from Hannibal Brooks
  560. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Plus Grands Succès De Vladimir Cosma Vol. 2, Les
  561. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Dîner De Cons, Le
  562. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  563. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Boum 2, La
  564. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Chèvre, La
  565. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Plus Beau Métier Du Monde, Le
  566. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Grand Blond Avec Une Chaussure Noire, Le
  567. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Placard, Le
  568. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from As Des As, L'
  569. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Père Noël Est Une Ordure, Le
  570. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Compères, Les
  571. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
  572. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Cuisine Et Dépendances
  573. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Aventures De Rabbi Jacob, Les
  574. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Pleure Pas La Bouche Pleine
  575. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Inspecteur La Bavure
  576. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Boum, La
  577. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Distrait, Le
  578. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Jouet, Le
  579. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Année Prochaine... Si Tout Va Bien, L'
  580. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Aile Ou La Cuisse, L'
  581. Dr. Treves Visits the Freak Show & Elephant Man (04:08)
    from Elephant Man, The
  582. Colonel Hathi's March (The Elephant Song) (00:00)
    from Jungle Book, The
  583. Elephant (00:19)
    from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
    Original Incidental Dialogue From The Film
  584. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
    Un Eléphant ça Trompe Énormément - (Tracks 1 to 8)
  585. Hello Marylin (03:42)
    from Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis
    Un Eléphant ça Trompe Énormément - (Tracks 1 to 8)
  586. Cowboy And Elephant Part 2/Trusting Lihn (01:25)
    from Good Morning, Vietnam
  587. Cowboy And Elephant Part 2/Trusting Lihn (01:25)
    from Operation Dumbo Drop
  588. BABY ELEPHANT WALK (02:45)
    from Best Of Henry Mancini, The
  589. Un Éléphant Me Regarde (02:22)
    from Paris, Je T'Aime
    Composed and performed by Antoine
    from Elephant Man, The
  591. Colonel Hathi's March (The Elephant Song) (02:32)
    from Jungle Book, The
  592. White Elephant Walk (Blue Panther) (01:27)
    from Hanged Man, The
  593. Dr. Treves Visits the Freak Show and Elephant Man (04:08)
    from Elephant Man, The
    from Elephant Man, The
  595. Colonel Hathi's March - Elephant Chorus (00:00)
    from Jungle Book, The
  596. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Saving Private Ryan
    (Henri Mancini)
  597. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Double Indemnity
    (Henri Mancini)
  598. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Lost Weekend, The
    (Henri Mancini)
  599. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Heiress, The
    (Henri Mancini)
  600. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Sunset Blvd.
    (Henri Mancini)
  601. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Ten Commandments, The
    (Henri Mancini)
  602. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Breakfast At Tiffany's
    (Henri Mancini)
  603. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Hatari!
    (Henri Mancini)
  604. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Rosemary's Baby
    (Henri Mancini)
  605. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Romeo And Juliet
    (Henri Mancini)
  606. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from C'era Una Volta Il West
    (Henri Mancini)
  607. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Love Story
    (Henri Mancini)
  608. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Godfather, The
    (Henri Mancini)
  609. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Chinatown
    (Henri Mancini)
  610. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Godfather: Part II, The
    (Henri Mancini)
  611. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Star Trek: The Motion Picture
    (Henri Mancini)
  612. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Raiders Of The Lost Ark
    (Henri Mancini)
  613. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Terms Of Endearment
    (Henri Mancini)
  614. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Flashdance
    (Henri Mancini)
  615. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Beverly Hills Cop
    (Henri Mancini)
  616. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Witness
    (Henri Mancini)
  617. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Children Of A Lesser God
    (Henri Mancini)
  618. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Untouchables, The
    (Henri Mancini)
  619. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Fatal Attraction
    (Henri Mancini)
  620. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Addams Family, The
    (Henri Mancini)
  621. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Dead Again
    (Henri Mancini)
  622. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Indecent Proposal
    (Henri Mancini)
  623. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Firm, The
    (Henri Mancini)
  624. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Clear And Present Danger
    (Henri Mancini)
  625. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Braveheart
    (Henri Mancini)
  626. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Mission: Impossible
    (Henri Mancini)
  627. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Star Trek: First Contact
    (Henri Mancini)
  628. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Titanic
    (Henri Mancini)
  629. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Rugrats Movie, The
    (Henri Mancini)
  630. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Talented Mr. Ripley, The
    (Henri Mancini)
  631. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Rules Of Engagement
    (Henri Mancini)
  632. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Mission: Impossible II
    (Henri Mancini)
  633. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
    (Henri Mancini)
  634. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Vanilla Sky
    (Henri Mancini)
  635. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Sum Of All Fears, The
    (Henri Mancini)
  636. Hatari ! - Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Forrest Gump
    (Henri Mancini)
  637. Elephant Love Call (Sitar, Flute And Percussions) (02:50)
    from Sono Un Fenomeno Paranormale
  638. Elephant Woman (04:49)
    from My Summer Of Love
    by Blonde Redhead - Song does not appear in film
  639. Krill Joy / Yearning For A Family / Elephant Seal Rescue (00:00)
    from Happy Feet Two
  640. Baby Elephant Walk (02:40)
    from Hatari!
    Henry Mancini; Orchestra
  641. Dumbo's Triumph/Making History/Finale (When I See An Elephant Fly) (02:16)
    from Dumbo
  642. HATARI - Baby Elephant Walk (02:26)
    from True Grit: Music From The Classic Films Of John Wayne
    Henry Mancini
  643. Baby Elephant Walk (02:42)
    from Hatari!
    from "Hatari!" by Henry Mancini
  644. Baby Elephant Walk (02:44)
    from Best Of Henry Mancini
    from Hatari! (Mancini/David)
  645. Elephant Love Medley (03:51)
    from Moulin Rouge!
    (instrumental/karaoke version)
  646. 1963 Hatari - Baby Elephant Walk (02:26)
    from Cinema Century 2000
    Henry Mancini
    from Filmharmonic 70
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Hawaii
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Walk On The Wild Side
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Man With The Golden Arm, The
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Gone With The Wind
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Spellbound
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Exodus
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Magnificent Seven, The
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from To Kill A Mockingbird
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Things To Come
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Forty-Ninth Parallel
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Chronicle History Of King Henry The Fifth With His Battell At Agincourt In France, The
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Great Race, The
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Hatari!
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Charade
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
    from Pink Panther, The
    Henry Mancini, also conductor
  663. Elephant's Honeymoon (02:32)
    from Martin Böttcher - Original-Filmmusik
    aus Lufthansa-feature "Highlife in Lagos" -stereo
  664. Elephant's Honeymoon (02:32)
    from Unser Haus In Kamerun
    aus Lufthansa-feature "Highlife in Lagos" -stereo
  665. Elephant's Honeymoon (02:32)
    from Auf Engel Schießt Man Nicht
    aus Lufthansa-feature "Highlife in Lagos" -stereo
  666. Elephant's Honeymoon (02:32)
    from Fälscher Von London, Der
    aus Lufthansa-feature "Highlife in Lagos" -stereo
  667. Elephant's Honeymoon (02:32)
    from Straße Der Verheißung
    aus Lufthansa-feature "Highlife in Lagos" -stereo
  668. Elephant's Honeymoon (02:32)
    from Derrick
    aus Lufthansa-feature "Highlife in Lagos" -stereo
  669. Elephant Theme (03:03)
    from Archive - Kitsch Pop 2
    composed by Jack Arel and Pierre Dutour
  670. Elephant Shake (02:41)
    from Suprême Lounge 3
    Francis Lai - du film L'extraordinaire évasion (1968)
  671. Elephant Shake (02:41)
    from Fox, The
    Francis Lai - du film L'extraordinaire évasion (1968)
  672. Elephant Shake (02:41)
    from Restons Groupés
    Francis Lai - du film L'extraordinaire évasion (1968)
  673. Elephant Shake (02:41)
    from César Et Rosalie
    Francis Lai - du film L'extraordinaire évasion (1968)
  674. Elephant Shake (02:41)
    from Gendarme Et Les Extra-Terrestres, Le
    Francis Lai - du film L'extraordinaire évasion (1968)
  675. Elephant Shake (02:41)
    from Gone With The Wave
    Francis Lai - du film L'extraordinaire évasion (1968)
  676. Colonel Hathi's March (The Elephant Song) (02:29)
    from Beauty And The Beast: The Enchanted Christmas
    From "The Jungle Book"
  677. Colonel Hathi's March (The Elephant Song) (02:29)
    from Jungle Book, The
    From "The Jungle Book"
  678. Baby Elephant Walk (02:43)
    from Henri Mancini: In The Pink - The Ultimate Collection
    1961 / Henry Mancini & His Orch
  679. Adagio (07:45)
    from Trésors Du Cinéma
    Platoon/Elephant Man/Les Roseaux Sauvage/The Scarlet Letter
  680. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Operation Dumbo Drop
    Performed by Cliff Edwards, Jim Carmichael and The Hall-Johnson Choir
  681. No Longer An Elephant/Dumbo's Saddness/A Visit In The Night/Baby Mine (03:35)
    from Dumbo
  682. No Longer An Elephant/Dumbo's Saddness/A Visit In The Night/Baby Mine (03:35)
    from Dumbo
  683. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Plus Belles Chansons De Cinéma & TV De Vladimir Cosma
  684. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Boum, La
  685. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Fugitifs, Les
  686. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Dérobade, La
  687. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Père Noël Est Une Ordure, Le
  688. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Sous-doués En Vacances, Les
  689. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Courage Fuyons
  690. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Châteauvallon
  691. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Chambre Des Dames, La
  692. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Clérambard
  693. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Chèvre, La
  694. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Mistral's Daughter
  695. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Tiroir Secret, Le
  696. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Pleure Pas La Bouche Pleine
  697. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Coeurs Brûlés, Les
  698. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Alexandre Le Bienheureux
  699. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Je Suis Timide... Mais Je Me Soigne
  700. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Étincelle, L'
  701. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Mort Un Dimanche De Pluie
  702. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Favour, The Watch And The Very Big Fish, The
  703. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Vouivre, La
  704. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Grand Blond Avec Une Chaussure Noire, Le
  705. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Étudiante, L'
  706. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Boum 2, La
  707. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Année Prochaine... Si Tout Va Bien, L'
  708. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Surprise Du Chef, La
  709. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Retour Du Grand Blond, Le
  710. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Till We Meet Again
  711. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Cache Cash
  712. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Mondes Engloutis, Les
  713. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Neige Et Le Feu, La
  714. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Éléphant Ça Trompe Énormément, Un
  715. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Malheurs d'Alfred, Les
  716. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Tout Le Monde Peut Se Tromper
  717. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Jamais Avant Le Mariage
  718. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Bar Du Téléphone, Le
  719. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Maldonne
  720. Mockin' bird blues (03:36)
    from Diva
  721. Elephant Pond (00:00)
    from Ashes And Snow
    Michard Brook featuring Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
  722. No Longer An Elephant / Dumbo's Sadness / A Visit In The Night / Baby Mine (03:34)
    from Dumbo
  723. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Henry Mancini - The Classic Soundtrack Collection
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  724. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Pink Panther, The
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  725. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Return Of The Pink Panther, The
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  726. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Breakfast At Tiffany's
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  727. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Charade
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  728. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Hatari!
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  729. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Oklahoma Crude
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  730. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from What Did You Do In The War, Daddy?
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  731. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from High Time
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  732. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Experiment In Terror
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  733. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Darling Lili
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  734. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Gunn
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  735. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Who Is Killing The Great Chefs Of Europe?
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  736. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Two For The Road
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  737. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Arabesque
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  738. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Great Race, The
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  739. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Me, Natalie
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  740. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Party, The
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  741. Baby Elephant Walk (03:02)
    from Visions Of Eight
    James Galway & Henry ManciniOklahoma Crude
  742. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Disney Collection, The - Vol. 2
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  743. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Little Mermaid, The
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  744. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Mary Poppins
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  745. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Jungle Book, The
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  746. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Lady And The Tramp
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  747. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from One Hundred and One Dalmatians
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  748. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Aristocats, The
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  749. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Dumbo
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  750. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Peter Pan
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  751. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Pinocchio
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  752. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Davy Crockett, King Of The Wild Frontier
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  753. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Zorro
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  754. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Saludos Amigos
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  755. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Bambi
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  756. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from So Dear To My Heart
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  757. When I See An Elephant Fly (01:51)
    from Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs
    aus "Dumbo" - vocal: Cliff Edward, Jim Carmichael and the Hall-Johnson Choir
  758. Elephant Love Medley (00:00)
    from Moulin Rouge!
    Performed By Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor And Jacek Koman
  759. Colonel Hathi's March (The Elephant Song) (02:30)
    from Jungle Book, The
    Vocals; J. Pat O'Malley And The Disney Studio Chorus
  760. Elephant Love Medley (00:00)
    from Moulin Rouge!
    Performed By Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor And Jacek Koman
  761. Ellie Joins The Elephants and Closing Credits (03:25)
    from Tashunga
    Tracks 10-27: THE GREAT ELEPHANT ESCAPE (1995)
  762. Ellie Joins The Elephants and Closing Credits (03:25)
    from Great Elephant Escape, The
    Tracks 10-27: THE GREAT ELEPHANT ESCAPE (1995)
  763. Native Elephant School in Cinerama's "Seven Wonders of the World" Production (00:35)
    from Seven Wonders Of The World
    (Through courtesy and permission of Stanley Warner Theatre Corp.)
  764. Whatever You Imagine (03:29)
    from Pagemaster, The
    Performed by Wendy MotenProduced by Keith Thomas for Yellow Elephant Music, Inc.Executive Producer: Jay Landers
  765. We Are Here (Isolated Music Track) (01:22)
    from How The Grinch Stole Christmas!
    Isolated portion of Horton The Elephant's Going To Be Caged)
  766. We Are Here (Isolated Music Track) (01:22)
    from Horton Hears A Who!
    Isolated portion of Horton The Elephant's Going To Be Caged)
  767. Elephant Escape / Animals Raid Consulate / Cadby's Futile Escape (03:28)
    from Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
  768. Side 2Baby Elephant Walk (03:00)
    from Henri Mancini: In The Pink - The Ultimate Collection
    Mancini - from "Hatari!"
  769. Side 2Baby Elephant Walk (03:00)
    from In The Pink
    Mancini - from "Hatari!"
  770. Side 2Baby Elephant Walk (03:00)
    from Pink Panther, The
    Mancini - from "Hatari!"
  771. Side 2Baby Elephant Walk (03:00)
    from Thorn Birds, The
    Mancini - from "Hatari!"
  772. Side 2Baby Elephant Walk (03:00)
    from Breakfast At Tiffany's
    Mancini - from "Hatari!"
  773. Side 2Baby Elephant Walk (03:00)
    from Molly Maguires, The
    Mancini - from "Hatari!"
  774. Side 2Baby Elephant Walk (03:00)
    from Victor/Victoria
    Mancini - from "Hatari!"
  775. Side 2Baby Elephant Walk (03:00)
    from Great Race, The
    Mancini - from "Hatari!"
  776. Side 2Baby Elephant Walk (03:00)
    from Hatari!
    Mancini - from "Hatari!"
  777. Side 2Baby Elephant Walk (03:00)
    from Two For The Road
    Mancini - from "Hatari!"
  778. Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For laughs" (From "Mister Moses") (00:00)
    from Music Of John Barry, The - The Definitive Collection
  779. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Zulu - John Barry
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  780. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Cotton Club, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  781. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Dances With Wolves
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  782. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from King Kong
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  783. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Deep, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  784. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Mister Moses
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  785. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Specialist, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  786. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from King Rat
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  787. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Mercury Rising
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  788. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Frances
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  789. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Tamarind Seed, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  790. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Last Valley, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  791. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Midnight Cowboy
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  792. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Killing Affair, A
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  793. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Hammett
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  794. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Love Among The Ruins
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  795. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Girl With The Sun In Her Hair, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  796. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Zulu
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  797. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Zulu - John Barry
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  798. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Cotton Club, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  799. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Dances With Wolves
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  800. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from King Kong
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  801. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Deep, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  802. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Mister Moses
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  803. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Specialist, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  804. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from King Rat
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  805. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Mercury Rising
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  806. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Frances
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  807. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Tamarind Seed, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  808. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Last Valley, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  809. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Midnight Cowboy
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  810. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Killing Affair, A
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  811. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Hammett
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  812. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Love Among The Ruins
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  813. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Zulu
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  814. Mister Moses - Suite (07:58)
    from Girl With The Sun In Her Hair, The
    Main Title / Moses in the River / An Elephant Called Emily / The Dam / "What Would I Do For Laughs ?"
  815. Colonel Hatchi's March (The Elephant Song) (02:32)
    from Jungle Book, The
    Vocals : J. Pat O'Malley and the Disney Studio Chorus ; words and music by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
  816. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from John Barry The Collection: 40 Years Of Film Music
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  817. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Zulu
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  818. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from From Russia With Love
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  819. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Goldfinger
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  820. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Ipcress File, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  821. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Knack, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  822. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Mister Moses
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  823. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Thunderball
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  824. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Wrong Box, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  825. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Born Free
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  826. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Quiller Memorandum, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  827. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from You Only Live Twice
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  828. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Girl With The Sun In Her Hair, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  829. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Deadfall
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  830. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Lion In Winter, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  831. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  832. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Midnight Cowboy
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  833. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Appointment, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  834. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Last Valley, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  835. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Walkabout
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  836. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Monte Walsh
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  837. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Diamonds Are Forever
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  838. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Persuaders!, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  839. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Mary, Queen Of Scots
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  840. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Man With The Golden Gun, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  841. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Dove, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  842. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Tamarind Seed, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  843. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from King Kong
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  844. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Eleanor And Franklin: The White House Years
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  845. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Robin And Marian
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  846. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Deep, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  847. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Hanover Street
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  848. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Black Hole, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  849. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Moonraker
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  850. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Somewhere In Time
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  851. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Raise The Titanic
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  852. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Body Heat
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  853. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Frances
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  854. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Octopussy
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  855. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Cotton Club, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  856. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from High Road To China
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  857. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from View To A Kill, A
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  858. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Out Of Africa
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  859. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Living Daylights, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  860. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Dances With Wolves
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  861. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Chaplin
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  862. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Moviola
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  863. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Indecent Proposal
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  864. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Specialist, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  865. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Scarlet Letter, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  866. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Cry, The Beloved Country
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  867. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Mercury Rising
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  868. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Dr. No
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  869. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from John Barry The Collection: 40 Years Of Film Music
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  870. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Zulu
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  871. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from From Russia With Love
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  872. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Goldfinger
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  873. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Ipcress File, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  874. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Knack, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  875. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Mister Moses
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  876. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Thunderball
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  877. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Wrong Box, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  878. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Born Free
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  879. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Quiller Memorandum, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  880. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from You Only Live Twice
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  881. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Girl With The Sun In Her Hair, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  882. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Deadfall
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  883. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Lion In Winter, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  884. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  885. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Midnight Cowboy
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  886. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Appointment, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  887. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Last Valley, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  888. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Walkabout
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  889. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Monte Walsh
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  890. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Diamonds Are Forever
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  891. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Persuaders!, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  892. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Mary, Queen Of Scots
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  893. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Man With The Golden Gun, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  894. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Dove, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  895. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Tamarind Seed, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  896. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from King Kong
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  897. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Eleanor And Franklin: The White House Years
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  898. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Robin And Marian
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  899. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Deep, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  900. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Hanover Street
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  901. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Black Hole, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  902. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Moonraker
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  903. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Somewhere In Time
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  904. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Raise The Titanic
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  905. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Body Heat
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  906. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Frances
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  907. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Octopussy
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  908. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Cotton Club, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  909. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from High Road To China
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  910. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from View To A Kill, A
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  911. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Out Of Africa
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  912. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Living Daylights, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  913. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Dances With Wolves
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  914. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Chaplin
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  915. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Moviola
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  916. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Indecent Proposal
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  917. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Specialist, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  918. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Scarlet Letter, The
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  919. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Cry, The Beloved Country
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  920. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Mercury Rising
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine
  921. 1965 >< MISTER MOSES – Suite [Main Title/Moses in the River/An Elephant Called Emily/The Dam/ « What would I do for laughs ? »] (07:52)
    from Dr. No
    Starring Robert Mitchum, Carroll Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox. Directed by Ronald Neame. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Nic Raine