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Affliction (1997)

Michael Brook 

Released in:

Seems To Have Become Somewhat Of A Thanksgiving Tradition With Me!
by a soundtrack collector (November 23, 2005)
Dreary and somewhat depressing score to a fine film dealing with a cold ugly reality that shatters the common Norman Rockwell delusion of what makes this country (USA) so inique!

Deserving of being considered a classic both film and score offers insight into a life of misery and regret. An examination of human frustration delivered in fine form ala the art of film making done justice with this exceptional example of movie making with a real purpose and focus!

Score is like a nightmarishly low hum in the head. A beautiful example of what it sounds like to live a life in hell!

Guitars offer a mutated audio demonstrating of a most peculiar form of sadness and despair!

The momentary flashes of optimism falling prey to a overwhelming sense of despair and hopelessness enhanced by the cold frozen climate of what could be any number of American locale.

The small town stereotype of bliss and happiness shattered like a empty beer bottle tossed on the hyway from the window of a Ford truck!

Recording of music from the Paul Schrader film "Affliction" composed by Michael Brook (From Citadel records) is one of the finest examples of recent film composition!

A truly original and unique accomplishment from the composer! *****

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