Forum - Soundtrack "Mannequin"
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Mannequin Soundtrack?

My best friend insists that there was a soundtrack for the 1987 movie, "Mannequin," and that she had seen it in stores. I have searched the web, used cd/cassette stores, ebay etc. and have found absolutely nothing but track listings that were used in the movie (and a handfull of sites saying it was never an official soundtrack disc).

If ANYONE has any information, please, please help me out. I know it would mean a lot to her if i could track a copy down for her :)

, November 5, 2005; 12:59 AM


Your friend seems to be right...
Sometimes I see one on eBay,
but be prepared to pay a very high price.

WimArnhem, November 5, 2005; 10:30 AM

Caveat Emptor! That guy on eBay (link above) is selling bootleg CD-Rs.

American.Nightmare, November 5, 2005; 11:30 PM

Aha, thanks American Nightmare,
That's probably why he/she keeps his/her feedback private...

WimArnhem, November 6, 2005; 1:13 AM

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