Forum - Soundtrack "K2"
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looking for Chaz Jenkel Version

Does anyone have the Chaz Jenkel version of this soundtrack?

getoffthecouch, March 29, 2006; 4:27 AM


As of autumn 2009, I have made many attempts to contact both Chaz, and the production company. The furthest I got was to Chaz manager, who said that between Chaz multiple moves between LA, NY and London, back and forth, the music was lost or packed away somewhere unknown. I wasn't satisfied with that answer, but found it to be a dead end. He suggested I also try the Prod Co, which is now Dentsu in Japan, who did not reply:

Chaz personal website has been a dead end for some time, and his MySpace page hasn't moved in aeons.

I think at this point we as fans have three choices:

1) Hppe and pray that Chaz, or someone with access to the music releases it, or leaks it.
2) Rip the DVD, and use similar technology that's used for Karaoke to remove the dialog from the audio track as much as possible.
3) Have someone re-record the score using modern equipment, either for commercial purposes (a la John Beal), or just a talented fan.

If one of the latter two happen, there's the off chance that if it spreads, that Chaz or Dentsu will feel compelled to release the official version in order to get in on the action.

Meanwhile, we're left watching the movie and trying to focus on the fantastic music.

snowleopard, September 25, 2009; 1:58 AM

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