Forum - Soundtrack "Cooler, The"
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THE COOLER (DVD) isolated score


I just received the Commotion Records CR001 CD of THE COOLER and like the score tracks on the CD a lot. However, there's a DVD including a 5.1 isolate music track. My question would be if anyone can confirm that and perhaps give an estimate how much more score can be found on the DVD's isolated score track.

I would also love to learn if any German DVD version of this includes an isolated music track, too.



handstand, March 2, 2007; 5:55 AM


Hi Urs,

there's a german 2-DVD edition with a lot of bonus material, for instance an audio
commentary by Mark Isham and Wayne Kramer, but no isolated score.

I've recently watched the movie on TV and I didn't have the impression, that there's more
music than on the CD. Btw, along with Daniel Licht's "The Winner"", this is definitely one of
the best Vegas Jazz scores ever!



coma, March 2, 2007; 10:27 AM

Hi David,

I guess we both watched it on ZDF simultaneously ;-)

My curiousity stems from the info at - this website states that the Region 1 DVD has an "Isolated stereo track of Mark Isham's score with commentary by Isham, and co-writer/director Wayne Kramer between cues. DVD has additional score cues not present on Koch/Commotion CD." As I am aware that my CD has two additional score tracks compared to the Koch/Commotion release, I wondered if the DVD still has even more music.

Best wishes,


handstand, March 2, 2007; 1:58 PM

Yep, Urs, "mit dem Zweiten sieht man besser". At least in this case... ;-)

I must admit that I'm so fond of the score, that I bought both CD releases. The additional /
varying tracks only make about 4 minutes, but I think that's worth it!
Although I'd love to have more of Isham's score, I doubt that there's much left to be
unearthed. Unfortunately, I'm rarely watching movies with a stop watch at hand... ;-)

Greetz from Berlin,


coma, March 2, 2007; 2:16 PM

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