Forum - Looking for a soundtrack

Fear soundtrack (mark wahlberg)

Does any1 know where to get the song or the name of the song where margo and reese witherspoon go in the cafe and margo gets her cake. I have been lukin evrywer, ive heard its not out though!! PLEASE HELP ME x

, May 1, 2005; 7:21 PM


I think the song's name was 'Ire Vibe' but I don't know the artist's name. I think M. Wahlberg raps in the song though. The artist should be listed in the credits after the movie.
I've been trying to find that, and many other Fear soundtrack songs, since '96!
Good luck.

, November 27, 2005; 4:41 AM

The song is "Ire Vibe" but it's by One Love. Some other songs from the move are:
"Wild Horses" The Sundays
"Animal" Prick
"Something's Always Wrong" Toad The Wet Sprocket
"Green Mind" Dink
"The Illist" Marky Mark
and of course "Comedown" and "Machine Head" by Bush

Glad to see that others love the movie too!!

, December 18, 2005; 12:36 AM

The name of the song is Ire Vibe by one love.however the song was never released because it was not Mark Wahlburgs style of music.He only used it for the movie itself.

DustiBrittain, November 6, 2006; 8:35 PM

Response to Fear soundtrack (mark wahlberg) (Rave Party)

I just saw fear on Showtime the other day (it's on again this Friday nite too) & it made me think I'd like to ride a rollercoaster in a bad way. *sweating* :0)~
I think the Wild Horses version by the Sundays is the BEST - I think it's better than the Stones original if that's even possible....

I have the VCR tape that I bought after it first came out (but I bought it becuz I liked William Petersen (CSI) so much. He was awesome in "To Live & Die in LA" & ";Manhunter"... and a lot thinner heh).

If you watch the movie, on the credits at the end for the music, I always thought they listed the songs in the order they were played in the movie - most list that way. But since people have said some songs aren't available anywhere, I wasn't sure how this listed the songs out??

I LUV that song & I want to work out to it.

I don't know why I never paid attn. to that soundtrack years ago, but just seeing it again 'woke me back up' to it all.
I don't even like Wahlberg, I never have, but that rollercoaster scene about kills me.

Nadiine9, May 14, 2007; 10:07 PM

Anyone know what the song is that's playing during the scene where mark wahlburg first enters the house while reese's parents are away... i really like the music and would love to download it...

thanks = )

quatney, March 10, 2008; 2:41 AM

I have all the songs from movie FEAR incl. the unreleased songs : IRIE VIBE performed by Marky Mark feat One Love & The Illest performed by Marky Mark or Fear theme performed by Carter Burewell and other instrumentals performed by Carter Burewell . All the songs are in the best yahoo id is for further information.i have searched for them to purchase them since i have good luck

tudorcristian58, March 1, 2011; 5:10 AM

Is there another way to get the soundtrack?
I would be very pleased!

epix3600, August 19, 2020; 11:24 PM

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