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Casino Royale

I haven't seen the movie nor heard the score. I know the film has received goods reviews but what about the score? I would like to purchase it anyway. I would prefer the complete score which unfortunately is only available as a download. Does iTunes provide downloadable inlays as well? I'm holding on in purchasing this in case the full score gets a cd release. I was even thinking of even purchasing a Japanese made in Japan version. Is one available yet? The Japanese might consider releasing a full score cd version. They always do a fine job with their own cd releases.

conjuctionjuction, December 10, 2006; 6:29 AM


I wasn't too enamoured with the film and thought it wasn't that good in all honesty but that is no reflection on Daniel Craig. Someone said it is a James Bond film, in references to his immediate recovery from injuries and such like, however I felt the film was trying to make us take Bond a bit more seriously hence there being few gadgets as in the book. Nevertheless he does still has some implausible gadgets and it never gave me the sense of it being exclusively a Bond film which brings me onto the score. I have a feeling Arnold tried to keep away from the John Barry references and repeating music from his own scores. Indeed Arnold said about Tomorrow Never Dies that he almost exhausted himself trying to get the James Bond feel and music, or words to that effect. He therefore goes and does a Bondish score but not Bondish, if you see what I mean. As Bond scores go, I did not like it very much and have not bought it either. I like Barry and Bond films and their music have an identity which this film along with Goldeneye don' t have that when it comes to the music. We are yet to have a theme similar to the one in From Russia With Love (Entitled 007) or the theme after the main titles in Goldfinger (Into Miami). I liked the scores for Tomorrow Never Dies and TWINE but for this I didn't. Ironic that as Martin Campbell directed both films.

TheSaint.786, December 10, 2006; 9:32 AM

I appreciate your candid response concerning the movie and score. I hate going in the theater with a preconceived notion concerning the movie I'll be watching but I will try to clear my head of all such prejudices when the time comes if possible. This is why I don't even like to read reviews or even watch any trailers. I cannot fathom a blond James Bond for some reason even though too many critics and moviegoers claim that this is the best James Bond and the best Bond film ever. Concerning the score which I've sampled, I cannot say I hate what I am hearing even though sample tracks are insufficient to judge a film score. I myself like the John Barry scores as well which humbly I believe they have no equal. Like you stated, Barry's scores and the old James Bond films had character. I hope whenever and if I view the film and listen to the score, I can wholeheartedly say... it's okay, at least better than some of the contemporary releases. Again thanks for the input!

conjuctionjuction, December 10, 2006; 9:56 AM

I have my doubts if a CD release of the full score will materialize, given the CD available right now already has 75 out of the full score's 87 minutes. So I think there would not be enough buyers for an 87 minute 2CD set. If they managed to get the song (the version really used in the movie, not the currently available ones) onto that set, it could help a bit, but I still think there would not be enough demand to break even with the costs of producing the set (and it would be unlikely that Chris Cornell would suddenly reverse his decision to not allow the song to be included in the score album).



handstand, December 10, 2006; 10:47 AM

How did you find out it was Chris Cornell's decision not to include the song on the soundtrack album?

petrkocanda, December 10, 2006; 12:09 PM

I finally found the link again. BBC News interview with Chris Cornell:

"Q: Why is the song not part of the Casino Royale soundtrack?

A: The song is going to be released as a single in the UK at some point. But it's also going to be on my next album, which is out in February.

It was a decision of mine not to have it on the film soundtrack. I wanted it to be mine. " (quote from the end of the interview)

handstand, December 10, 2006; 1:04 PM


Not being a big fan of James Bond movies nor David Arnold scores, I have to say I liked both, the movie and the soundtrack. This is only my opinion; the opinion of someone who didn't enjoy very much the latest Bonds.

By the way, I liked Daniel Craig. I also liked Timothy Dalton. And of course, John Barry was the best.

Best regards,

angeldibujo, December 10, 2006; 1:33 PM

Shame that the song was left off the album, it broke a tradition. Is the song written entirely by Cornell? or co-composed with Arnold. If the latter then I should think Arnold would have had some say in the matter especially after the shameful way his terrific song for Tomorrow Never Dies was relegated to the end tiltles. The movie version of "You know my name" is the best version with the arnold orchestration. Maybe it'll see light of day after Cornell's new album eventually leaves the limelight. I hope so.

gerry.hill, December 11, 2006; 9:15 AM

Whatever happened to the trailer music that was used - this was the James Bond theme but revamped in a huge way - does anyone know anything about the release of this particular track?

chartfields, January 8, 2007; 1:24 PM

Does anyone know if David Arnold will be doing the next Bond? I have to say I agree with a quote above suggesting that exhaustion had set in with Arnold. When making a mix of Arnold Bond tracks, I found that, as the series went on, I was choosing fewer and fewer tracks, especially from Die Another Day and Casino Royale. Do you think the producers of the Bond series are too intent on keeping up with the times to consider composers who have done recent retro Barry-ish pastiches such as the Incredibles' Giacchino, Austin Powers' George Clinton and ... god help me ... Johnny English's Shearmur? On the CD that includes the incidental music from the first 2 Austin Powers movies, there are some superb moments of Barry homage. Clinton is the one I'd choose for an Arnold replacement.

sfs, March 3, 2007; 1:55 AM

I have the trailer music.If you want to contact me

phil_milsom, May 3, 2007; 8:44 PM

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