Forum - Looking for a soundtrack

North & South Soundtrack - Martin Phipps (BBC miniseries)

I am looking to find the following

North & South Soundtrack - Martin Phipps (BBC miniseries)

If anyone could help out that would be great.

weedworks, May 27, 2007; 7:37 PM


I was absolutely haunted and moved by the soundtrack for North and South. I contacted Bucks
Music Group, who was responsible for it, and they said it has not been released and they have
no plans for releasing it. I was incredibly disappointed because I think it is one of the most
beautiful movie scores I have ever heard. I am sorry to have to tell you the bad news! I am
sure you are as disappointed as I was.

omega, December 29, 2007; 3:26 AM

The soundtrack was never officially released. However, someone ripped the music and removed noises, and it ended it up being good quality. Check it out:


arroum, February 11, 2009; 6:58 AM

The whole soundtrack is downloadable on their website: under "Soundtrack"

KSlager, August 12, 2016; 12:29 AM

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