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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Asia In Asia' gave the following results:

9 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Continente Perduto (1955)
    Angelo Francesco Lavagnino
    Cannes and Berlin Festival prize-winning documentary about a missing land bridge between South Asia and Australia.
  • Warheads (1998)
    Original Title: Big Hit, The
    Graeme Revell
    Asia: English title
  • Final Fantasy VI (1994)
    Original Title: Fainaru Fantajî VI
    Nobuo Uematsu
    Asia: English title
  • Invincible Asia 2: Turbulence Again Rises (1992)
    Original Title: Dung Fong Bat Baai 2: Fung Wan Joi Hei
    William Wu, Richard Yuen
    literal English title
  • Warrior (2001)
    Original Title: Musa
    Shiro Sagisu
    Asia: English title
  • Ditto (2000)
    Original Title: Donggam
    Lee Wook Hyeon
    Asia: English title; DVD title
  • Zhou Yu's Train (2003)
    Original Title: Zhou Yu De Huo Che
    Shigeru Umebayashi
    Asia: English title; Hong Kong: English title; USA: literal English title
  • Twins Effect 2 (0)
    Original Title: Fa Dou Daai Jin
    Tommy Wai
    Asia: English title
  • Asia Experience, The (1996)
    Richard Harvey, Rupert Gregson-Williams, Steve Baker, Matthew Cang, Matthew Denny, Mike Farmer