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A search for 'International House' gave the following results:

10 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • House Out Of Town (1995)
    Original Title: Casa En Las Afueras, Una
    Alberto Iglesias, Txetxo Bengoetxea (songs)
    International: English title: informal literal title
  • House In The Outskirts (1995)
    Original Title: Casa En Las Afueras, Una
    Alberto Iglesias, Txetxo Bengoetxea (songs)
    International: English title: informal literal title
  • House Of Raoul, The (1975)
    Original Title: Caso Raoul, Il
    Manuel De Sica
    International: English title
  • House Of Fools (2002)
    Original Title: Dom Durakov
    Edward Nicolay Artemyev
    International English title
  • House In The Country, The (1969)
    Original Title: Maison De Campagne, La
    Raymond Lefèvre
    International: English title
  • House Of Flying Daggers (2004)
    Original Title: Shi Mian Mai Fu
    Shigeru Umebayashi
    Hong Kong: English title; literal title; International: English title
  • Is There A Frenchman In The House? (0)
    Original Title: Y a-t-il Un Français Dans La Salle?
    Roger Loubet
    International: English title
  • House Of Pleasure For Women (0)
    Original Title: Bordella
    Amedeo Tommasi
    International: English title
  • Fall Of The House Of Usher, The (0)
    Original Title: Histoires Extraordinaires: La Chute De La Maison Usher
    Georges Delerue
    International: English title
  • House, The (1970)
    Original Title: Maison, La
    Wallace Collection
    International: English title