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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Live in Concert' gave the following results:

6 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Lean By Jarre (1992)
    Maurice Jarre
    Registration of a live concert in the Barbican Center in London, 1992. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Maurice Jarre.
  • Wings Of A Film, The - The Music Of Hans Zimmer (2001)
    Hans Zimmer
    Registration of a live concert during the Flanders International Film Festival in Ghent, Belgium, October 2000.
  • Concerto Per AIRC (2006)
    Ennio Morricone
    Live concert in Milan, Italy on December 16, 2006 to support the AIRC, the Associazione Italiana Per La Ricerca Sul Cancro.
  • Andrzej Korzynski - Koncert Muzyki Filmowej (2003)
    Andrzej Korzynski
    An original recording of Andrzej Korzynski's film music, made during a live concert at a "VI Film Music Festival" which took place in Lodz, Poland in 2003.
  • World Of Michel Legrand, The: Moscow Virtuosi (2011)
    Michel Legrand
    Live recording of a concert by Michel Legrand.
  • Epic Hollywood (2016)
    Miklós Rózsa
    Live Concert Recording.