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A search for 'Marshal Law' gave the following results:

8 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Cahill: United States Marshal (1973)
    Elmer Bernstein
  • Marshal of Gunsmoke (1944)
    Hans J. Salter
  • Marshal of Cripple Creek (1947)
    Mort Glickman
  • Marshal, the (1994)
    Tim Truman
  • Cahill: U.S. Marshal (1973)
    Original Title: Cahill: United States Marshal
    Elmer Bernstein
  • Air Marshal (2003)
    Bill Wandel
  • Marshal Dillon (1955)
    Original Title: Gunsmoke
    Bernard Herrmann (episodes "Harriet"; "Kitty Shot" and "Tall Trapper, The"), Franz Waxman, Jerry Goldsmith, Elmer Bernstein, Bruce Broughton, Nathan van Cleave, Allyn Ferguson, Gerald Fried, Rene Garriguenc, Bruce Geller (1965), Harry Geller, Herschel Burke Gilbert (1965), Jerrold Immel, Leo Klatzkin, Jaime Mendoza-Nava, Jerome Moross, Lyn Murray, John Carl Parker, Jack Pleis, Will Schaefer, Rudy Schrager, Nathan Scott (as Nathan G. Scott), Richard Shores, Fred Steiner, Leith Stevens, Morton Stevens, Wilbur Hatch, Martin L. Klein, Rex Koury (theme), Van McCoy (1965), Lucien Moraweck, Tommy Morgan, William Grant Still
  • Santa Fe Marshal (1940)
    Victor Young, John Leipold, Gerard Carbonara