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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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Search Results
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A search for 'Nova War From The Air' gave the following results:

5 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Odyssey Of Life (1996)
    Sheldon Mirowitz, Mason Daring (NOVA theme), Martin Brody (NOVA theme), Kurt Diederwolf (additional music, segment "Photographer's Secrets, The")
    Martin Brody () Mason Daring (NOVA theme) Kurt Diederwolf (additional music, segment "Photographer's Secrets, The") Sheldon Mirowitz
  • Bossa Nova (2000)
    Eumir Deodato
  • Nova Fait Son Cinéma 01 (2004)
    Nino Rota, Henry Mancini, Cliff Martinez, Bernard Herrmann, Jürgen Knieper, Paul Misraki, Miklós Rózsa, Ryuichi Sakamoto, John Williams, John Carpenter, Goblin, Roy Budd, Lalo Schifrin, David Shire, Armando Trovaioli, Vladimir Cosma, Masaru Satô, Georges Delerue, John Lewis, Ennio Morricone, Michel Legrand, John Barry, Alex North
  • Nova Seed (2016)
    Stephen Verrall
  • Terra Nova (2011)
    Brian Tyler