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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
84662 Labels
13810 Composers
26728 Movie Posters
60021 Cover images
42382 Track Listings
11847 Links to reviews

SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Marvel' gave the following results:

14 matches in tracks
  1. A Marvel (01:16)
    from Serious Man, A
  2. A Marvel (00:00)
    from Serious Man, A
  3. Masked Marvel (06:26)
    from Deep Throat
  4. Marvel Ann On The Prowl (02:03)
    from Psycho Beach Party
  5. Ms. Marvel Suite (04:30)
    from Ms. Marvel
  6. Captain Marvel (02:15)
    from Captain Marvel
  7. A Marvel Special Presentation (00:12)
    from Werewolf By Night
  8. Marvel Studios Fanfare (00:31)
    from Thor: The Dark World
  9. Marvel Studios Fanfare (00:00)
    from Thor: The Dark World
  10. Captain Marvel Jones (00:00)
    from Superrecord Of Superheroes, The
  11. Marvel Comics, X-Men 2: The Clone Wars (07:11)
    from X-Men 2: Clone Wars
  12. Call The Police (Marvel/Bonzai Mix) (03:46)
    from Bad Boys
    Ini Kamoze
  13. Call the Police (Marvel/Bonzai Mix) (03:44)
    from Bad Boys
    Ini Kamoze
  14. First Mission (03:03)
    from Ant-Man
    Contains themes from Marvel’s The Avengers composed by Alan Silvestri and themes from Captain America: The Winter Soldier composed by Henry Jackman