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South Pacific



South Pacific (2001)

Richard Rodgers 

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If you are trying to capture the magic of the 1958 movie
Original play recordings will always win out for the people that saw it. However I grew up with this movie and there is no other version for me. I have visions of the people and the story as the different song comes up. It was the lyrics to "Some Enchanted Evening" that actually convinced me to get married. And even today I find my self singing "Younger Than Springtime" to my wife. However I do not look it. I even did a review of the movie the day that Ray Walston ...Luther Billis died. [South Pacific (1958) ASIN: 6305283362]. I will mot go through all the songs on this album. Just if you pick one album this is it. And if you like other versions then you should still add this to the collection for contrast.
One day you will want to make this your own.

MItzi Gaynor is wonderful and underappreciated by some
I'm glad to read some of the reviews correcting the conventional wisdom that Mitzi Gaynor does not compare to Mary Martin. She is perfectly suited to the part of Nellie Forbush and does a superb job singing (and acting in the film). Of course Mary Martin is great - that goes without saying, but in this part, Mitzi Gaynor, while different, of course, is every bit her equal - and the orchestrations and other voices are as good as, and in some cases (the orchestration, for one), better than the Broadway version.

Why Do They Do This?
There are two things I would like to hear done with this CD ... The first is to add more music. Most musicals of this nature have an overture, main titles, intermission, and exit music. Why can't all this be included? It's all on the DVD so I know they have access to it.

Secondly, why can't the music be presented in chronological order? While listening to the CD I want my mind to visualize the scene that the music comes from in the order it happens in the film. One explanation always heard is that they want to retain the original album concept. NONSENSE! The vinyl was limited to time and space on each side. The CD can hold almost 80 minutes if they really want to, so they certainly can add more to it and present it as the authors intended.

Why not take advantage of the medium they're using and do it right!!

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