Forum - Soundtrack "Bourne Legacy, The"
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handstand, August 6, 2012; 8:01 AM


This is what I meant to post:


I don't like to spoil this, but I think I need to issue a warning of this
release for the time being: The disc as issued from Colosseum has
gaps (2 seconds each) inserted between all 26 tracks – in at least two
cases (tracks 04-05 and 15-16) these gaps interrupt the music flow
where two tracks should have flown into each other seamlessly. In
other words, tracks 04 and 15 stop abruptly. The total running time
of the disc is 64:24 while the download (according to someone else
who bought the download) runs just 63:16. So the CD was mastered
bad and this is NOT a pressing error.

I have reported this to Colosseum and they have forwarded the issue
to Varèse. Until this is sorted out, I would advise to wait before you
order the CD.



handstand, August 6, 2012; 10:07 AM

Colosseum announced today that customers can get their faulty CDs exchanged. They are about to press new CDs from a corrected master.

handstand, August 8, 2012; 10:11 PM

I have received a new (corrected) pressing of the CD from Colosseum today. The correct CD runs 63:34.

Thanks, exemplary customer service on Colosseum's part! :-)

handstand, August 15, 2012; 10:55 AM

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