Forum - General Questions

UK Soundtrack sites

Guys quick question - Most of the soundtracks I buy I end up getting outside the U.K (Intrada, buysoundtrax, varese etc etc) and although the prices for the CD's themselves are more than fair I end up paying over the odds when shipping is added and wait quite a while for them to arrive. Anyone know any decent UK based sites? .... because any I find in my opinion are not well stocked and rarely have the scores I am after. Thanks.

royteague, October 5, 2010; 4:58 AM


With the demise of Movie Boulevard, I really don't know of any other UK soundtrack sites. I guess you could alweays try HMV. They always seem to have a good selection, certainly in the stores whenever I visited the UK. Perhaps you might have better luck posting your comments on FSM, as they quite a few people from the UK there. Myself included.

johnhjohnson, October 6, 2010; 8:28 PM

Try Backtrack in Rye Sussex their web address is I haven't used them for a while (like yourself it's become too easy to use US sites) but they are helpful and you can pop in if your in the area
Alternativley you can try

RGStovold, October 20, 2010; 7:49 AM

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