Forum - General Questions

Zulu Dawn on DVD

Sometime ago I asked the question of why Zulu Dawn was not available on DVD in Britain or the USA in its correct widescreen ratio of 2.35:1. I had a lot of knowlegeable replies including I believe one from a member of the crew of the film. the gist being that all the remaining film stock available is only 1.85:1.
Well at last I've been able to locate from a superbly remastered copy in it's original format and in dolby 5.1
So I have to ask. If it is available in France why not in the UK?

RGStovold, November 15, 2010; 7:30 AM


If I understand your question correctly, it has to do with obtaining the rights to release the film.
If a French distribution company wants to release the film in Europe or worldwide, the cost would be too high and they would have to include more subtitles, audio tracks and so on to make it interesting to other countries.

Also, other companies may already own the rights to release their own DVD in certain parts of the world, so those rights are not available at that time.

Last but not least, after one obtains the rights they also need a print or digital copy of the film. Searching for and buying/remastering a print could also be very costly, so sometimes distributers go back to an earlier/cheaper copy.
That's why sometimes a DVD can look like a VHS dub.


If the DVD you're referring to was made in the UK, but is only availble on Amazon FR, it could be out of print in the UK but other countries may still carry some copies.

rinse_dream, November 16, 2010; 5:59 AM

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