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Looking for song from biloxi blues

Who is the clarinet player in "Memories of You", it has been suggested that it is Benny Goodman, I believe it is Walt Levenski
or Phil Bodner. Is there a recording of the song available?
Another song in question is "How high the Moon" by Pat Suziki, I have the recording, but there is no clarinet in it, obviously the
clarinet was overdubbed, who is the clarinetist? Is this recording available? I don't believe Benny Goodman was the clarinetist in either song, because the clarinet playing is too smooth.It would have been hard for Benny to hold himself back.I would love to have these two songs in my music collection, can anyone help?
It is a shame that the producers of Biloxi Blues failed to show credit for these two clarinetist whoever they were.

bonnieanderson1951, April 23, 2011; 2:22 PM


According to the fantastic compilation work "Jazz on the screen" by
David Meeker.
Soundtrack Personnel: Inc: Jim Pugh, trombone; Joe Temperley,
baritone sax; Dave Ratajczak, percussion.
And Joe Temperley is also a bass clarinet (Wikipedia)
Music not legally available I'm afraid.

RVT.cinebxl, April 30, 2011; 12:20 PM

Looking for song from Biloxi Blues

I had the same thoughts as Bonnie Anderson on "Memories of You", only I originally thought it was Pete Fountain, who has a lower and smoother style than Goodman. However, I can't find a version by him anywhere. Then I went back to some early versions by Goodman and it is awfully close to the movie version. He can "hold himself back" when he wants to - check out "Body and Soul and "Man I Love." However, Anderson makes a crucial point about the clarinet overdubbing on "How High the Moon' which is almost certainly the same clarinet as "Memories". They apparantly brought in someone special for the movie. This pretty much rules out Goodman who died in 1986. After listening to both Bodner and Levinski, I would go with Walt Levinski. What's strange is that "Memories of You", which is played throughout the movie, is not listed on the official song list. Can't we contact someone at the studio that really knows?

OOPS, I somehow, missed the post by RVT about the "jazz on the screen" website and Joe Temperley playing sax and bass clarinet and I guess I have to go with this. But, I listened to a bunch of stuff by Temperley and he doesn't play regular clarinet much and is very jazzy. I'm still puzzled and not convinced as to the real artist on "Memories" in Biloxi Blues.

brucebartleson, July 17, 2011; 9:55 PM

Hi Everyone, I went looking for the same song and as I recall it said
Memories of You was preformed was by Benny Goodman in the credits of
the movie. I also downloaded the song from the album "The Benny
Goodman Story" from Amazon MP3 and this is the version of the song in
the movie, it's really one of his best. Hope this helps...


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