Forum - Looking for a soundtrack

Help to find The Professional (Le Profesionnell) by Ennio Morricone

i am looking for this Morricone french movie soundtrack with Jean-Paul Belmondo as the star of the movie
can anyone help to point out where i can buy a brand new one?
thank you

bedfordfalls8000, June 14, 2007; 3:12 AM


When searching, correct your spelling. It's

Le Professionnel
(double S, double N, single L)

You might also want look for it under the Italian title ("Joss il Professionista"). The expanded GDM CD bears the Italian title, thus the French title might lead you to the shorter first CD release only.

I'm not meaning to be pedantic, I just think correct spelling is key in hunting down a copy of it.

Good luck!


handstand, June 14, 2007; 11:54 AM

It's not new, but it's "near mint" according to the auction description.

American.Nightmare, June 14, 2007; 4:22 PM

You can find one at in the market place :

Good luck

michel, June 14, 2007; 7:04 PM

Thank you so much for all your help...
I will check them out ;))

bedfordfalls8000, June 15, 2007; 12:29 AM

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