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A search for 'Turbo' gave the following results:

7 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in labels:
  1. Street Fighter II (OverClocked ReMix/Capcom No label number)
    Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. Available as a free download at www.ocremix.org.

30 matches in tracks
  1. Turbo (02:47)
    from Turbo
  2. Turbo’s Theme (03:10)
    from Daybreak
  3. Turbo Transmission (00:00)
    from Cars 2
  4. Turbo Time (04:03)
    from Turbo Time
  5. Turbo vs Glitch (00:00)
    from Wreck-It Ralph
  6. Turbo Flashback (01:42)
    from Wreck-It Ralph
  7. Turbo Transmission (00:00)
    from Cars 2
  8. Turbo Man Commercial (00:32)
    from Jingle All The Way
  9. Turbo Trouble (04:16)
    from Star Kid
  10. Turbo Time (04:03)
    from Turbo Time
  11. Turbo Pod On Our Trail (01:30)
    from Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension, The
  12. Turbo Tom Marching Band #1 (02:05)
    from Jingle All The Way
  13. Turbo Tom Marching Band #2 (02:10)
    from Jingle All The Way
  14. Turbo Takes a Spin (03:06)
    from Star Kid
  15. Turbo Tom Marching Band #1 (With Guitar) (02:05)
    from Jingle All The Way
  16. Shift into Turbo (03:39)
    from Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
    Performed by Fulflej
  17. Turbo Rangers (02:28)
    from Uchu Kara No Messeji
    Performed by Bernard Minet
  18. Power Rangers Turbo, Go! (02:22)
    from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
    Performed by Ron Wasserman
  19. Power Rangers Turbo, Go! (02:22)
    from Power Rangers Zeo
    Performed by Ron Wasserman
  20. Power Rangers Turbo, Go! (02:22)
    from Power Rangers Turbo
    Performed by Ron Wasserman
Show all 30 matching tracks