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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Warrior' gave the following results:

65 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums): Show all 65 matching titles
3 matches in labels:
  1. Dragon Warrior II (Apollon Music Industrial Corp. BY30-5136)
    Original Release Title: Dragon Quest II Symphonic Suite - Gods of the Evil Spirits
    Contains BGM and arranged music from the ENIX video game "Dragon Quest II," also known as "Dragon Warrior II."
  2. Dragon Quest IV (Apollon/Compusic APCG-9001)
    Original Release Title: Symphonic Suite Dragon Quest IV
    2 CDs. First printing. Unique black plastic case holds CDs and jewel case. Contains BGM and arranged music from the ENIX video game "Dragon Quest IV," also known as "Dragon Warrior IV."
  3. Dragon Warrior III (Apollon/Compusic BY30-5181)
    Original Release Title: Symphonic Suite Dragon Quest III
    First printing. Contains BGM and arranged music from the ENIX video game "Dragon Quest III," also known as "Dragon Warrior III."

4 matches in label numbers
  1. Warrior Records WWR-ED-011626
    Disco Godfather
  2. Warrior Records WWR-ED-101624
    Human Tornado, The
  3. Warrior Bear Productions
    Legacy Of Lies
  4. World Warrior no label number
    Street Fighter: Resurrection

601 matches in tracks
  1. Warrior (03:54)
    from Warrior
  2. Red Warrior (03:56)
    from Last Samurai, The
  3. The Warrior (00:00)
    from Doctor Who
  4. Mud Warrior (01:15)
    from Kagemusha
  5. Mud Warrior (01:17)
    from Kagemusha
  6. The Warrior (01:59)
    from Deusa Negra, A
  7. Warrior Within - 03 (03:22)
    from Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within
  8. Warrior Within - 03 (03:22)
    from Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
  9. Warrior Within - 03 (03:22)
    from Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones
  10. Be a Warrior (05:00)
    from Wrinkle In Time, A
  11. Red Warrior (02:19)
    from Chronicles
  12. The Warrior Within (02:26)
    from Legends Of Chima
  13. Warrior's End (04:34)
    from Act Of Valor
  14. Warrior Within - 02 (00:27)
    from Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within
  15. Warrior Within - 02 (00:27)
    from Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
  16. Warrior Within - 02 (00:27)
    from Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones
  17. Warrior Within - 01 (02:08)
    from Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within
  18. Warrior Within - 01 (02:08)
    from Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
  19. Warrior Within - 01 (02:08)
    from Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones
  20. Red Warrior (03:56)
    from Last Samurai, The
Show all 601 matching tracks